Today marks my first day on lemmy after leaving Reddit after 3 years, I already like the platform I just wish their was a mobile app, and wish the mobile web support was a bit more polished but i understand it’s still in it’s earlier stages

  • @bluefish009
    14 years ago

    i am not sure they did delete transaction of their db, probably 100% have copy record, or only set boolean column ‘user_deleted’ to ‘true’.

    • Ephera
      24 years ago

      Yeah, but they supposedly don’t keep the edit history of posts/comments, so if you use a script to edit each one and replace the text with some placeholder text, that should be safe theoretically.

      • @anonaddy29OP
        14 years ago

        Yeah reddit nuke seems to work well

    • @anonaddy29OP
      14 years ago

      Yeah idk I just use Reddit nuke extension then changed my email a couple of times etc. then I pressed delete account