I’d like to settle on a distro, but none of them seem to click for me. I want stability more than anything, but I also value having the latest updates (I know, kind of incompatible).

I have tested Pop!_Os, Arch Linux, Fedora, Mint and Ubuntu. Arch and Pop being the two that I enjoyed the most and seemed the most stable all along… I am somewhat interested in testing NixOS although the learning curve seems a bit steep and it’s holding me back a bit.

What are you using as your daily drive? Would you recommend it to another user? Why? Why not?

  • DaPorkchop_
    1 year ago

    Personally, I’ve been running Debian everywhere (both on my servers and for desktop use) for a few years and I’ve found it much more reliable than Ubuntu. Sure, the repos tend to be somewhat out-of-date (unless you’re on testing, which I’ve started using more and more and have yet to experience any actual problems with), but most of the time it makes no difference and if I really need the latest version of something I can just spin up a Docker container.