China’s planned “grab and go” architecture “does not give you the comprehensive look for the science community,” Nelson said today.
“Will people say that there’s a race?” he added. “Well, of course, people will say that. But it’s two totally different missions.”
Doesn’t count unless you get samples from multiple locations apparently.
My guess is near earth space militarism even if it’s mostly pretend and they claim they put up “weapons ready” satellites or something. Maybe they’ll even claim their “space laser weapons” using next gen technology is almost ready.
Don’t worry, the US will make up some arbitrary milestone and then “win” the space race again.
Doesn’t count unless you get samples from multiple locations apparently.
My guess is near earth space militarism even if it’s mostly pretend and they claim they put up “weapons ready” satellites or something. Maybe they’ll even claim their “space laser weapons” using next gen technology is almost ready.
The moment they start militarizing orbit we’re just going to have Kessler Syndrome.
first statue of elon musk on mars