Canadian Google maps is doing the same shit
Canadian Google maps is doing the same shit
Cops are scrambling, they thought this case would be over easy. They’ll need a hard-boiled detective to crack it open. Hopefully the cops will fuck up and then they’ll really have egg on their face
Yea that’s all there is to it. He loves deals and he views himself as a master deal maker.
It’s a perfect deal in his eyes. He gets to look strong dealing with an enemy of America and he makes a deal no other president could/would make.
It was part of a post secondary program I took a few years ago, I can’t go into more detail for privacy reasons but it involved dealing with human remains in all stages of decomposition.
Pretty interesting stuff if you had the stomach for it
Unintentionally? Dumpster juice
Either decaying corpses or the maggots that were infesting them.
Sorry I should clarify I’m not trying to downplay the dangers of drug abuse. I was just talking about the downsides of prohibition specifically and not drug abuse as a whole.
I’d say it varies from person to person. This is all anecdotal but I’ve known people who are just casual coke users who indulge occasionally and I’ve known people who have died because of alcohol.
Personally I’d never try cocaine for a whole host of reasons (0 regulation, no idea what I’m actually taking, I’m the type that would get addicted) but I’m still in favour of it’s legalization/decriminalization. Of course ideally this would be alongside education programs (not DARE style scaremongering)
Libs are just as phobic as right wingers (redundant I know) but the only difference is libs are obsessed with optics. Libs never have a problem with the reality of oppression, they just don’t like the aesthetics. Just look at how ready they are to be homophobic to own Putin, trump, etc (it’s because he’s the homophobic one I swear!). Or jumping on calling Russians Orcs (not in a racist way though, it’s comparing them to lotr bad guys! (don’t read how Tolkien describes them in his private letters!)). They have no problem with being racist/homophobic/bigots, they just need an “acceptable” target.
They aren’t wrong, you can mitigate a lot of the harm that illegal drugs cause by just decriminalizing/legalizing them and regulating them.
Not to mention drug prohibition in general has a long history of just being a way to oppress various minorities & disadvantaged people
The United Sigma States (Republican)
History would absolve him if he started a Luigi’s Mansion fan club
Ffs can’t this decrepit ghoul do one decent thing and fall on camera?
Going to do some self care later and I’m looking for some melancholic songs to wander a dark city and contemplate life to, any suggestions would be appreciated
nooooooo not the investor won’t anyone think about the downtrodden investors
Yea that’s my guess that it was all . He knew how the US military (and possibly the Ukrainian military) treated wounded prisoners (how many times has it come out that US/allied troops have executed wounded prisoners because it’s faster/easier that taking them prisoner) and figured he’d “go out on his own terms”.
I am convinced that fascists have the Death Drive, they long for the void and their only goal in life is to bring as many people with them as possible.
This is also close?
The news bingo does specify two new plagues…
I’m just a Trevor Moore fan, no need to look further into it
Hexbean confirmed