I know people are saying Shanghai is a shitshow because of the local government. But do you think it might have been a bad idea in general to deploy such a harsh policy in the country? (asking in good faith as someone who would not mentally survive such long lockdowns)

  • @Rafael_Luisi@lemmygrad.ml
    72 years ago

    Here on brasil more then 600.000 people have already died (those are the registered numbers, its probably a lot bigger) but by now most of the population is vaccinated, 75% already have the second dose, and its only now that most states are lying down the most severe laws. If we look at the state of our goverment, its a miracle that we are not in the sad state of the US by now.

    I would still prefer 10 times more the china laws then what we got.

    • loathesome dongeater
      42 years ago

      From the same Lancet study, it says that Brazil’s covid toll when estimated from excess mortality is 1·28 (1·18 to 1·37) which is not too bad. (Link to table.) I expected it to be a little bit worse.