I know people are saying Shanghai is a shitshow because of the local government. But do you think it might have been a bad idea in general to deploy such a harsh policy in the country? (asking in good faith as someone who would not mentally survive such long lockdowns)

  • @xpladv570@lemmygrad.ml
    382 years ago

    if everyone did what china did, there would be no covid.

    so… extremely favorable. by “letting it rip” world leaders started a huge uncontrolled experiment on the masses. who knows what the virus will do to us 10 years after the fact.

    • @boston_key_party@lemmygrad.ml
      152 years ago

      After the world does what China did, there will be no transmissible respiratory disease whatsoever. The PRC has illuminated the path to a world without influenza, rsv’s, rhinovirii, etc. And it will happen.

      • @OrnluWolfjarl@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        That’s simply not true. Pathogenic bacteria like streptococcus and pneumoniococcus can quite happily survive in the wild, on a host (with or without symptoms) or a vector for forever. Same is true for many viruses.

        What China is doing is very sensible for Covid. Don’t turn it into something it’s not.