• Jama
    82 years ago

    Voxnews is a known fake news publisher

    • @garret
      -32 years ago

      I can confirm that website is known to spread misinformation. I have seen the OP defending Russian propaganda in other posts. I don’t know what is his/her aim but i just hope that some action will be taken. My only worry is if he/she is really a pro Putin fanatic instead of just a troll. That would make me even more sad for such person.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
        32 years ago

        I’ve stated on many occasions that I don’t think the invasion was in any way justifiable, and I’m certainly no fan of Putin. That said, it’s pretty clear to me that there is a ton of misinformation about the war in western media. Dismissing things you don’t like as Russian propaganda makes you yourself a propagandist who is unwilling to engage in honest discourse about the situation. I just hope some action will be taken against such people.

        • @Kulun@mander.xyz
          -32 years ago

          I just hope some action will be taken against such people.

          So, basically, people like you.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
            12 years ago

            I’m not the one calling anything that doesn’t fit my preconceptions western propaganda.