Be very of these false narratives which seek to bend the framework of reality towards a position in accord with the US Empire.

This is not “a conflict between two bourgeois countries”. This is an abstract, undialectical analysis.

It is adapting the framework of Western Imperialists.

This is a complex conflict decades in the making, at it’s core, it is a war between Russia and the Blood Empire.

The Ukrainian people are being used as a weapon by their bloodthirsty American masters.

I hope people here see how deceptive and devious this “both sides bad capitalists” narrative is.

It is poisonous to us communist communities, and it shows that western propaganda is very much able to spread on GenZedong.

Do not allow them to infiltrate our minds.

Godspeed comrades. o7

    372 years ago

    without going into any theories or definitions because i am a complete newbie and have no idea what i am talking about;

    america is the current big dog, the hegemon, the entity who controls the world and the main bully. they have the ability to overthrow governments all over the world and spread neoliberal agenda all over the place, to the detriment of working classes. they actively pursue return to feudalism, where the common guy owns nothing and is a slave to the wealthy, land owning master.

    is russian government leftist or even working for the betterment of common man? no… but they challenge the big imperialist over there. and as it stands right now, they dont have the ability to do the same evil as america does. so just from the pragmatic perspective, supporting the state that stands in the way of the main imperialist is the right course of action. because with strong american empire, there is zero hope of a successful leftist movement in the west.

    so this makes things simple, at least to me. i dont support russia because i love putin or whatever, i support russia because without them, the capitalist west will have a completely free reign over much of the world. enemy of my enemy kind of situation. even now, western empire keeps eroding workers rights, destroying societies by spreading individualism, letting the rich profit from everything while the poor get poorer. russia doesnt have that power yet. the west does, and they use it as we speak.

    • mao and the CPC allied with the KMT on multiple occasions in order to fight back japanese imperialist aggression; the idea that any and all capitalist forces must always be your enemy at all times feels like a moralist perspective rather than a realist one. you can maintain an ideological and philosophical course while having temporary alliances with those that disagree or even contradict you, it’s just that you have to keep in mind what the primary contradiction is and like you state that is western/american imperialism and hegemony.

      i really feel like all this moral posturing is ingrained in western history and culture through christianity and its concept of moral purity: essentially claiming that capitalism is evil, and therefore any temporary alliance or peace made with capitalists corrupts your “purity of values.” disregarding how untrue this is, what use is such stringent and dogmatic commitment to a set of values when you ultimately lose or die because of it? this is the same way that china’s socialist project is discredited, because billionaires and capitalists exist despite their ultimate capitulation to the government.

      all these western leftists want to posture themselves as more pure or simply more correct, when in doing so they ironically (and truly in the fashion of western imperialist projection) stan for literal nazis or NATO. it’s all very confusing and complicated.

    • Water Bowl Slime
      102 years ago

      I agree with you so this is just a nitpick, but feudalism was a particular mode of production. Notably, serfs didn’t have wages or working hours and did own the products of their own labor (after rent was paid).

      Capitalists definitely want things to remain capitalist because they would actually lose wealth and power if feudalism were reestablished.