Comrades, I am super happy to see so many people here! I have hope that our community can stay together and continue on. We have so many great people from around the world.

I am still working on pulling all of the genZedong data from reddit. I have about half of the subs entire record of posts since 2019 saved. When I get it all, I will make it available so that everybody can enjoy the great things they have contributed!

I have linked a USSR anthem from a television sign off. It is a very emotional an wonderful video of the great country. Please enjoy it and remember what we are fighting for.

The struggle goes on!

    • although i should probably mention, with me being nearly as white as they come, i have no idea where even to go, nor do i feel i’d be accepted some places 😔

        2 years ago

        Learn Belarusian, live in Belarus.
        Learn Russian, live in Russia.
        Learn French, live in Southern Belgium.
        Stick with English, see how they remain the last holdout of capitalism.

        • It is also something to note, that one twisted ‘advantage’ for the colonisers of non-european languages, is that you can further your extent with one or two languages (i.e. French for lots of west/north africa, Spanish for loads of Latin America)

            2 years ago

            What makes you feel clutched?
            What makes you feel clutched the most?
            What’s acceptable and what’s unacceptable?
            Are you willing to fight the US?

            • i’m so sorry for responding extremely late. i’ll try my best to anser these questions, though.

              1. are you asking what i feel most attached to?
              2. i may have to come back to this set until further clarification is made, sorry.
              3. well i am lactose intolerant and extremely sensitive to the stuff, so someplace not with a cusine heavy on it. also, i will have to say that being western/in NATO isn’t preferred for curiousity and cultural reasons (always been interested in the global south idk); some place that isn’t “two arms two legs and your liver” style $$$$ (e.g. norway) as i may be in US but i am poorer; some acceptable things are just the opposite of what i said, i think.
              4. as best as possible in whatever means possible. through spreading awareness, boycotting amerikkkan companies, and doing what methods that i can possibly try to fight further indoctrination into my area of life and myself, whether that means joining anti-US protests or being against US attacks.

              btw, this isn’t necessary, but what is your timezone?

              (mine is GMT-6)

                2 years ago


                1+2. Sorry, I meant to say what makes you feel oppressed?
                3. Your curiousity will run out soon, so it’s best to chose a place you will feel home at. It especially helps if you have a spouse from the nation. With lactose intolerance you’d probably best off going to China or Thailand.

                Are you Caucasian?