• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    2 years ago

    It’s absolutely insane to watch people seriously discussing a possibility of a nuclear war. Anyone who is even contemplating actually starting a conflict that could lead to a nuclear war should be executed for crimes against humanity.

    • @const_void
      52 years ago

      So Putin, then? Who else is threatening with nuclear?

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        12 years ago

        Putin is definitely a big part of the problem, but plenty of people in the west have been trying to rationalize a nuclear exchange lately.

    • @a_Ha
      22 years ago

      hum … guys ? upvote him here or let it be, but please don’t downvote … maybe read it twice !?

      • mekhos
        32 years ago

        I suspect the down-votes are not related to the content of the post but more to the users other posts over the last 17 days or so. I think that there should not be ‘overflow’ where people vote posts based on the author rather than the content, but sometimes people get pissed off with a persons tone y’know.

        • @a_Ha
          32 years ago

          yes, we all (tend to) accumulate bad feelings : the heart of the problem.