• sparseMatrix
      42 years ago

      It suggests to me, given certain other things I’ve been hearing, that perhaps there is not a unified resolve among the various heads of the armed forces to conduct this…‘exercise’, that perhaps the head of the Russian Air Force is not entirely on board, as it were.

      • @guojing
        -32 years ago

        If Russia had no reliable air force, they would have been attacked long ago by NATO (nuclear armed terrorist organization). Fact is that Russia has the most advanced military planes in the world, and unlike F-35 they are actually combat ready and cost efficient.

      • @hamborgr
        2 years ago

        deleted by creator

        • @ezmack
          02 years ago

          Idk seems like they were mostly sticking to military targets… they can certainly get more indiscriminate and probably will as it drags on

          • @hamborgr
            2 years ago

            deleted by creator

            • @ezmack
              -12 years ago

              They aren’t just mowing down unarmed civilians when they block convoys. I’m not saying they’re they’re doing good I’m saying they can do much much worse and haven’t yet

            • @guojing
              -42 years ago

              Which city specifically? Is there video evidence? I have seen plenty of videos of Russian troops, and they are completely ignoring civilians. You can see for yourself, on telegram search “intel slava z”. Also there is lots of evidence of Ukranian military setting up artillery next to schools, or hiding in civilian buildings. Clearly to provoke these images of Russian attacks on civilian targets. By the way, Russia is giving out food at this point, Ukrainians are looting and shooting each other.

      • @guojing
        -12 years ago

        “Decisive air battle”, what a joker. Most Ukrainian planes, airports and air defenses were destroyed by standoff weapons in the first hours of the war. Russia has air superiority since multiple days now. Of couse thats ignoring the ghost of kiev, who shoots down a dozen Russian planes every day lmao.