Hi, I’m Sparrow22. I don’t want to be tracked 100% of the time. I want to be free to call it as I see it and to assemble my own truths about the world today. I’m happy to have an account here and an inbox based simply on my story. If anyone can suggest an email provider or help me out with an invite, it would be much appreciated. I won’t spam or incite violence or anything with my email account.

The title is linked to my blog which was thankfully free to setup, even if the host does seem to mostly have spam otherwise.


Edit: I now have an XMPP account, DM me for it.

Edit2: Still no luck on an email address. It seems bots have poisoned the well. Some services say to reach out for an invite but you have to reach out via email! Will have to look for a lemmy presence for one of these things.

  • @dstep
    12 years ago

    I created protonmail with temporary email, (fakermail.com), or with recaptcha (works with VPN but not with TOR.

    • @sparrow22OP
      12 years ago

      For some reason it won’t load a temporary email over Tor, which I’m going to insist on since there’s no rush.

      • @yangJ20002
        12 years ago

        Proton requires phone number for users signing up over Tor

        • @sparrow22OP
          22 years ago

          It’s fine. Email is not the most important thing in the world. Writefreely and lemmy are probably enough to start but I still have leads.