Im interested in cryptos, because it could serve as a foundation for an internet funded by people and communities. A crypto that protects people’s privacy and has a low energy cost.

But is this enough to make it ethical? Are there other aspects to take into concideration? Or is ethical cryptos possible?

In particular Im looking into Mobilecoin which Signal has integrated into their app.

    12 years ago

    There are other technologies than blockchain or bitcoin. Bitcoin is completely inefficient. There are much better coins that are sustainable

    • @DPUGT2
      12 years ago

      There are much better coins that are sustainable

      But, having removed “mining” and privacy from them, what do they have to offer? For that matter, how are they different than the electronic ledgers that banks already currently use?

      He didn’t just suggest that the blockchain and inefficiency be resolved, but all the other qualities that actually make cryptocurrencies worthwhile.