• Muad'Dibber
    12 years ago

    fueled by an unfortunate self-perpetuating symbiosis of a large portion of the population being nationalistic being catered to by an equally nationalistic autocrat…

    Not all nationalisms are equal. Russia’s nationalism has invaded 0 countries, and has like 4 external military bases that are holdovers from the USSR. I’m showing you a picture of dozens of NATO bases used to launch invasions and encroachments for Euro-american chauvinist interests, like as @yogthos@lemmy.ml mentioned, in Yugoslavia, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq.

    How many countries has Russia since the 1990s, compared to NATO?

    • @k_o_t
      12 years ago

      the point about nationalism was more so to support the claim that russia is extremely protective of its borders, not really how it manifests into international politics of russia, but even so, you could completely disregard this particular point about nationalism, my overall point still stands

    • @DPUGT2
      02 years ago

      Not all nationalisms are equal. Russia’s nationalism has invaded 0 countries,


      Every night, Russian soldiers move the border markers a few meters south, and people living close to it always wonder if they will wake up having become Russian residents while they slept.