I was searching for articles on Google Translate with SearX (serx.cf) and then, when I open the Mastodon Federated timeline (mastodon.la), guess what, a post about Google Translate! Talking about how humans should translate and not machines, the exact same topic. Can’t believe I haven’t escaped this bullshit with Mastodon. Live and learn.

  • @ttmrichter
    62 years ago

    There is no persuading someone who entered the discourse convinced he was right and who was unwilling to accept any other answer.

    I thought I left this behind with Twitter, but hey!, here we are.

    • @kevincox
      42 years ago

      Yup. I figured I would try once with some rough framework for estimating how likely or unlikely it really is but at this point it definitely isn’t worth trying to help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.

      • @ttmrichter
        32 years ago

        Some people just want to feel so special that they’re the only ones who know THE TRUTH and that THEY really are out to get them.

    • @obbeelOP
      -32 years ago

      I’m convinced because this is obviously unlikely. Other answers given: scrape a highly complex code for seeing how the federated timeline works, and shitty basic mathematics that never apply to real world probabilities. I could do without those. What would be nice: someone involved in the project pointing out the error in my thinking through the code, or actual mathematics.

      • @ttmrichter
        42 years ago

        That’s pretty much exactly what I said. Just with more self-congratulating bullshit attached.