Why doesn’t the main domain switch from dev.lemmy.ml to lemmy.ml or www.lemmy.ml ? I understand, that it’s supposed to indicate being a dev environment. But you should keep in mind, to change the domain before the community gains popularity and more people join. In this case, it will stick to the domain dev.lemmy.ml.

Please consider this user wish

Yours rr

  • DessalinesMA
    34 years ago

    When federation is mostly working, this’ll switch over from lemmy.ml to just lemmy.ml . Its okay that growth is mostly testers and people having fun rather than exploding at this stage too.

    • @AgreeableLandscape
      24 years ago

      How is federation going by the way? Is there a log of what has and hasn’t been implemented?

    • @AgreeableLandscape
      4 years ago

      Just a thought, but you should also think about registering lemmy.com, because if someone hears of a website called “Lemmy” without knowing the domain, they’ll likely instinctively try the .com of the name. You mentioned that you dislike the fact that most domains cost money, but unfortunately a weird domain will probably affect the discovery rates of a website, and we all want Lemmy to be discovered.

      It looks like that lemmy.com is available, so I would recommend getting it if it’s not too expensive. You could even start a crowdfunding between the contributors and Lemmy early adopters.

      • DessalinesMA
        24 years ago

        Godaddy says lemmy.com is $72k.

        .ml or strange domains don’t bother me, the entire domain name system is a scam IMO. I’d rather any donations go towards us two devs.

        The other thing is that this eventually this should be many smaller federated instances, rather than relying too heavily on a main instance.

      • Serge Tarkovski
        24 years ago

        Interesting that the .ml part is clearly a distinctive part of the name for me. So I remember both the Lemmy and the .ml as those were like, say, a name and a surname. The same is true for many, for example, Mastodon instances, you know, the official one is not a .com one.