This is an email service which costs 12€/year (around $13). They donate half of their income to associations fighting for the environment. Their accounting is public for greater transparency.

For this price, you have an email account (with a large choice of domain) and a cloud (2Go). Lot of features like your emails environment impact, an alert when you have too emails, one forum for the community, free donations, and more. Tools are open-source (Roundcube, Owncloud, phpBB). This is good for environment and respects your privacy.

Obviously, for the impact on the environment, this service is more adapted to French people, since the servers are in France.

To subscribe, follow this link:

  • @libBletchley
    4 years ago

    Not being privacy-respecting is not the biggest problem for an environment-focused service. There is j/s and links to both Google and Microsoft assets, and it’s an environmental problem:

    Ecomail needs to rethink their partnerships. At a very least they should be boycotting the 3 tech giants that have a hand in the fossil fuel industry (MS, Amazon, & Google)

    • @ajz
      2 years ago

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