• @AnOrdinaryDog
    2 years ago

    A few flaws with this argument:

    1. We don’t know that the virus was not transmitted to other places in addition to the Wuhan Seafood Market.
    2. Even if it was transmitted solely at the seafood market, it doesn’t take any wild theories about how it was only transmitted there and in no other nearby locations. It would just have to be transported there by a human, and transmitted there. A contaminated lab-worker riding their bike to the market could do it. A mad scientist carrying a spray can full of virus particles could do it too. A lab-leak in another location could have infected one person, who then infected other people at the market. None of these explanations are inconsistent with the fact that the market is just one place in a big bustling city.

    Note that I’m not at all a proponent of the lab-leak hypothesis, I’m ok to admit I don’t really know all the facts about how the pandemic originated.

    Regarding your debunking of the “already endemic” argument, I don’t follow your logic. What does the airport have to do with the conspiracy theory you are attempting to debunk? Why would it come from the airport to the market if it was a new deadly mutation of an endemic virus?

    • @ttmrichterOP
      12 years ago
      1. Maybe you don’t, but here the pattern of outbreaks is very well known.
      2. Harlem to Brooklyn. You don’t have boots on the ground here. I do. This is not a feasible scenario. In the slightest.

      And this is the problem I have with ALL of the reportage on this. All y’all are ignoring the actual, you know, experts. In this case the expert in the local geography as well as the person who lived through the outbreak, saw the notifications on his SMS and WeChat, etc. No, it is not even remotely believable that a lab leak on the other side of the Yangtze river 24km away as the car drives would only show up in a remote market. You’d have to throw in so many extra entities to try and support that story that William of Occam will rise up out of his grave just to backhand you.

      But hey, you be you over in rat-licking Plagueistan, OK?