• 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2021


  • Server locations: Riseup is in the US (Washington state), so keep that in mind. Disroot is in the Netherlands (part of the EU).

    Governance: Riseup: Look at their “about us” page. Disroot: Look at their “about” page. The terms of service are more detailed. tl;dr: As far as I can tell, these are run by leftists.

    Integrity/Transparency: I have no idea how to grade this.

    Ease of Use: Subjective. Riseup VPN is just: install the client, turn it on or off. Disroot is much better with a mail client of some kind, so if you already use one, it’s probably a 10, otherwise, the webmail server isn’t that great. Disroot also requries manual encryption (I’m biased here because I use Kmail which makes PGP really easy to use).

    Pricing and Links: Free https://riseup.net/en/vpn https://disroot.org/en/services/email

    tl;dr: Use collective-run services, not corporate-run services

  • Yes, renewable energy is better: https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1038/s41560-020-00696-3

    However, declaring nuclear energy illegal means destroying functioning power plants that have very low emissions. We should wait to destroy nuclear energy until we can replace it with renewable energy, and we should not be having to replace nuclear energy until we’ve replaced fossil fuels and biofuel.

    EDIT: Basically, we should start out by getting rid of* what is most polluting (agriculture/industry emissions), and then working our way down from there (coal, natural gas, oil, biofuel, and nuclear, in that order).

    *Agriculture emissions can be offset by transitioning to a more vegan diet. I don’t call it plant-based because that excludes fungi and bacteria that we also consume.

  • I agree to everything you just said. It appears like someone else already discussed what I said in a comment thread below, so I apologize for bringing it up again.

    EDIT: What I meant by agreeing with you was that I agree that climate change will not be solved with nuclear or renewables alone. I did not mean that using nuclear energy and renewable energy does not have any effect on solving climate change.