• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • There’s nothing about our neural architecture that has “3D” built into the information it can process.

    I think we are very much hardwired to innately understand 3d space in an intuitive level.

    Is that just based off of something more concrete than what feels right to you? If a neural network on a computer can interact with four dimensional data, why wouldn’t we be able to?

    It isn’t as automatic in three dimensions as you make it sound. Based off of the amount of learning and experimentation we do as infants, it seems reasonable to theorize that if a human were to be born in a fourth dimensional realm and to be implanted with some sort of sensory organ(s) that function in the fourth dimension, they would be able to gain an intuitive understanding of that world in the same way that they gain intuitive understandings of this one.

  • You can use AI for free on your own hardware.

    AI is committing mass theft of copyrighted information and data on a widespread scale, the only way they are going to be able to train their AI models and have been training their AI models are through free information that has been taken from users, people of the world, sold to them by third parties.

    By “mass theft of copyrighted information,” what do you mean? Who had the copyrighted information but no longer has it? Do you mean copyright infringement? If so, then you should look up “fair use” and keep reading until you understand why they think it’s applicable to their use case.

    And by “data that has been taken from users,” do you mean by users who agreed to terms of service allowing the use or sale of their information/contributions to the site, generally so they could use a site for free?

    Do you think that receiving a service has zero value, or that providing that service has zero value? If so, then why did all of those people use those zero value services in exchange for their information?

  • From https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-61311966

    [In 2021], the House of Representatives, controlled by the Democratic Party, voted to approve legislation that would secure - and, in some cases expand - the right to abortion afforded by the Roe decision. The vote was 218 in favour and 211 against.

    The bill then moved to the evenly-divided Senate, where one Democrat - Joe Manchin of West Virginia - joined the Republicans in voting it down. Because of Senate rules that several Democrats (including Mr Manchin) are adamantly against altering, passage would have required 60 votes out of the 100 senators - a mark the abortion bill did not approach.

  • If you are not a copyright holder, then you are not in a position to make any demands. I find it especially ironic, considering when the GPL was actually violated on multiple occasions, even as recently as a few months ago, nobody ever takes issue with that.

    Ironic that he says he understands licensing but doesn’t understand that, if you’re not a copyright holder, you don’t have standing to do anything about those violations. The Violations of GNU Licenses page states that if you see a violation, you should confirm the violation, collect as many details as you can, and then:

    Once you have collected the details, you should send a precise report to the copyright holders of the packages that are being wrongly distributed. The GNU licenses are copyright licenses; free licenses in general are based on copyright. In most countries only the copyright holders are legally empowered to act against violations.

    I remember reading about someone attempting to challenge that by suing for the rights that should have been conveyed to them by the infringer respecting copyright, but I wasn’t able to find anything on it. I did find references to people who were partial copyright holders being found to not have standing due to not having sufficient ownership to make a claim, though - see the outcome of https://sfconservancy.org/copyleft-compliance/vmware-lawsuit-faq.html