“you can’t have a 0 in your code so we changed it to a 3”
“you can’t have a 0 in your code so we changed it to a 3”
That doesn’t make sense or I’m reading it wrong
Careful now, you might end up with few news posts
Puns are great if you wget it, for others it makes their toes curl
Privatizing public health care. Changing our federal structure to confederalism. No more money transfers to the poorer southern region, which also happens to speak a different language. Identity politics.
Current events aren’t menacing enough??
Do you have a recommendation?
I am SHOCKED! SHOCKED I tell ya!
Now I’m imagining “these guys” are named Nicky Mouse
The infosphere already turned to shit over 10 years ago when the internet started consolidating towards a few super large companies.
This thing required some serious legs. No gears, bad roads if any. Christ…
Their servers must run on air
A size 3 foot
Attack the US?
You guys are crazy for even entertaining the idea.
It’s impossible to catch up to the US war machine in 4 years only. We can only start the process, but I also doubt the US would sit by idly and let us become too powerful.
The chain to get eggs in your local store is shorter and they are easier to produce/collect.
Coffee is imported, hamburger needs to be processed, so more labour is required.
Those would be my guesses.
You laugh, but stay safe