Yeah I don’t really care about value when it comes to giving money to the guys who work with the NSA and CIA to find ways to more thoroughly spy on every user 24/7, and turned every search into “You asked for x, here’s a dozen pages of what the State Department thinks you should have searched for instead”
Not to mention their genocide profiteering:
*proceeds to install a bigger engine so the next guy can drive 150% faster*
There’s been claims of north Koreans captured here, spotted attacking there, giving an interview in Russian uniform, and yet not a single piece of evidence has ever been provided. If the state department said tomorrow that Bigfoot had been spotted in Donbas and was fighting for Russia half of you would be here repeating it as incontrovertible fact since there’s all that evidence.
That’s why I put the State Department badge behind him lol, I was gonna do Biden or the US flag, which I dunno if it would have gotten less pullback from libs lmao
Libs when you mention Russians without saying they should be nuked off the face of the earth
Rehashing literal WW2 Nazi propaganda bc libs haven’t even gotten past that myth
wym neo, west germany never got rid of the og nazis in the first place
Get ready to be told that Russia should just walk all their troops back and that’d be peace achieved (bombing in the Donbas doesn’t count, apparently, because it’s the good Nazis doing it), like a fucking toddler’s concept of geopolitics.
Realistically, what other plan could they have? They’ve used the same playbook since Vietnam and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but since it always funnels a shit ton of money to the pentagon and its contractors pumps the value of the dollar nobody gives a shit, it was a success by the only metric they care about.
If I call you a Putin asslicker it basically means that all the evidence you posted is null and I don’t have to even read it or post evidence of my own, so, checkmate.
Add this one to the list, btw, Russia’s surpassed Japan as the 4th world economy by PPP gross domestic product.
On the other hand: Germany, one of the biggest sponsors of this war, is currently on its way directly to the shitter
I’m not assuming anyone is Russian but nice try. I assume most of the negative ones are either American or Western European, because that’s almost the only regions where Russia is viewed very unfavorably by a clear majority, and this site skews anglo as shit, that is the UK, the US, and Australia.
I’m not for more war, but y’all weirdos hear “we should listen to ukrainians and initiate peace talks” and interpret “we should unconditionally surrender the entirety of Ukraine and then most of eastern europe while we’re at it”, maybe because the only peace you’d accept is the unconditional surrender of Russia and its balkanization. Hate to break it to you, it’s not happening. Russia’s economy is outperforming most western ones, is growing faster than all of the major economies and has just surpassed Japan as the 4th in the world by GDP adjusted for purchasing power parity. But I imagine the World Bank is somehow Putin in disguise as well.
It’s better to engage with reality than sacrifice Ukranians for your delusions.
How did all these laws Trump can abuse on day one get on the books, I wonder? They should find the guys responsible for passing them in whatever organism they used to discuss them
Also more debt. The same people whining about the fictitious Chinese debt trap are really silent about how the US are lending billions to Ukraine so they can finance these arms deals, we know what these countries do once you can’t repay, they confiscate all your shit.
Maybe don’t give nukes to a fucking nazi government in hopes that’ll bring peace? Why not start with diplomacy and iterate from there?
So Donbas was externally caused because… we should trust you that it was?
But Ukraine’s 2014 coup wasn’t externally caused because… it was different from all the other times the US deposed a government, since this time they put congresspeople like John McCain on the ground? Even US, anti-Russian sources recognize it as fact.
At this point you have to be deliberately dodging the evidence to not recognize what’s going on.
Y’all can’t even fucking read lmao not even pretending you found a gotcha, just doing madlibs with a word or two you found in the comment.
No wonder it’s so easy to propagandize you.
You’re still doing the propaganda work of the gringos.
The point is, Ukrainians want it, Ukrainians should get it. You think the war should continue? That’s fine, get your country to wage it so you can go and fight it.
The US couldn’t win against Afghanistan, couldn’t win against Iraq, can’t win against Yemen, took over a decade to win against a Syria that was already divided and had all its oil fields occupied.
A war with China would see half its aircraft carriers in the sea floor in a matter of weeks. The US can’t even resupply its missiles or repair its fucking F35s with that shit show in Palestine, China can ramp up production of weaponry quick.