I’ve read many discussions in which certain ideas are denounced as CIA sabotage. I find myself torn between the two camps that form whenever this happens, usually because I have no idea what a CIA psyop actually looks like and have no reference for what a Marxist solution to, say, the question of what anti-colonial society actually looks like. It’s not an easy question, and it’s made all the more murky with the knowledge that plants and saboteurs absolutely exist.

Is there an ascribed methodology to identifying CIA propaganda?

  • peeonyou
    2 years ago

    i saw one when the color revolutions were kicking off. Once the green one hit Iran Fark.com was completely overrun with foaming at the mouth rhetoric and second by second updates from people who were supposedly there. Anyone commenting against the grain was entirely drowned out. It went on and on for weeks on end from accounts that just came out of nowhere but suddenly they were the authorities that everyone else deferred to. After that subsided was when I first learned of a thing called shadow-banning, except I didn’t know it until months later when I realized absolutely nobody ever responded to me anymore. I asked for help and that fuckface Drew said it must have been a mistake and cleared it.