Somewhat related to the topic

  • Sagar Acharya
    21 year ago

    Very interesting article. I have already explained this pattern in my talk at LibrePlanet 2022. But, that’s ok.

    Brahmans believe that everything is learnt from environment and it does not belong to anyone or has to be ‘cited’!

  • Arcaneslime
    21 year ago

    May not be the best place to ask but I’ve been wondering recently: how does one access or find out about these AI things? Are they websites or programs? If programs, are they FOSS and do they run on Linux, and with 8gb ddr3? Fuck I’m old lol.

    And what is, not the best one, but the srangest? (which could be the “worst,” for all I know)

    Anyone who could answer or point me towards answers to these questions is appreciated, thanks.

    21 year ago

    this hits the nail on the head. so many articles i read about the internet and copyright ignore the very nature of information as a slippery, infinitely replicating thing. like water but without conservation of mass. other pieces i’ve read talk about piracy as if nothing has changed, but i’m glad that this article candidly confronts the fact that it’s inevitable with the rise of the internet

  • Sagar Acharya
    11 year ago

    Btw, check out something called Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI). You’ll get how detrimental IP is. Think about theft and marketing.