Rice consumption and production in Asia is enormous (surprise!)
Productivity jumped a while ago with the introduction of new strains and farming methods, but that has slowed in recent years. Credit goes to overuse of pesticides, fertilizer, and irrigation poisoning soil; urbanization; and global warming.
Rice paddies contribute directly to global warming through methane from bacteria and indirectly through deforestation.
Rice, especially white rice, is not very nutritious, leading to both malnutrition and diabetes.
Policy makers could help in a few ways:
Provide crop insurance instead of overgenerous subsidies on rice production. This will help farmers switch over to new growing methods and seeds that resolve the above issues.
Switch to new grains that are more nutritious and have a lower environmental impact. India and Indonesia are already in the midst of doing this.
Stop buying rice and redistributing it for free. Instead, provide income support for farmers and cash transfers for poor people. This allows them to try out alternative grains.
Basically ideas:
Policy makers could help in a few ways: