• Muad'Dibber
      1 year ago

      You ever see that documentary about Chavez, “The revolution will not be televised” ? It’s so damn good. Such a wholesome, wonderful person.

      • Yes , I have seen it . 😄

        Edit : This is a quote of Chávez from the documentary “The revolution will not be televised” :

        ’ Here in Venezuela, and and in the rest of Latin America,…

        …we were being taken by the savage project of neo-liberalism…

        … with it’s claim that there’s a hidden hand…

        …which regulates the market. It’s a lie, a lie ! A lie thousand times over !

        Of course there are alternatives. And in Venezuela, we are proving it.

        I’ve had to withstand huge international pressures,…

        …But i don’t care…

        …If it means one day,…

        …I have to go to the gates of hell…

        …To defend the people of Venezuela…

        …Then so be it I will defend you (the people of Venezuela) come what may ! ’