I currently use Manjaro as my daily driver, but it is bloatware to be honest. I want to switch to more minimalist distro so i ended up thinking on Void. So any advice? How is package manager? Community? Softwares? Documentation?

  • flbn
    3 years ago

    just got into void after having been an arch user for a while and wanted to see if i would miss it. so far, so good. pretty similar experience to arch, but i don’t really do anything other than rice and code. as someone else mentioned, the package manager is sort of weird if you come from pacman, but i’ve got some aliases set up to help me out with that. xbps-install -Su is a mouthfull imo. the point is i’m kinda easy to please. as long as i have my hardened firefox, vim, and a pretty desktop, i’m happy tbh.

    • flbn
      3 years ago

      i’ve been seeing more and more docs for how to do things with void which leads me to believe there’s some other curious people doing things with it but honestly, arch users are so prevalent i think i’m gonna miss being able to troubleshoot as easily as i was. come enter the void!