• RandomSomeone
    53 years ago

    CTRL+F, “linux”, 1 of 1 match. Tails and QubesOS are mentioned, but Linux as an OS recommendation is nowhere to be found.

    I read the entire thing tho. It’s good, and I know it’s a security manual, but I’m concerned about some choices privacy wise (Google Chrome, Wickr, iMessage, Wire…).

  • @ajz
    2 years ago

    deleted by creator

  • @Zerush
    43 years ago

    Good article, but lacks the most important security tool, the common sense of the user.

    • @AtomicGoddess
      33 years ago

      I actually disagree I felt the article the article subtly points out many ways in which a user can use their awareness and common sense to improve security. What do you feel could have been improved.

      • @Zerush
        3 years ago

        The user himself. The article is excellent and I have a habit of acting according to it (most), but the problem is that abusive practices, not only by hackers, are so successful, because 95% of users, many times even companies and administrations don’t respect this rules. It’s a lack of education and awarenes, that the people see that the lack of privacy in the network is sinonym also of security. It gives me goose bumps when I see people using the smartphone on public WiFi to make transactions at the bank or make payments, without any protection, ‘Because is it so convenient to do it’. There is much to do, and it isn’t solve with articles like this, which only few people read, most people which already have interest in this themes.

        • @AtomicGoddess
          13 years ago

          So if I understand you correctly your main issue isn’t with the article itself but with how companies enable dangerous user behavior without informing users of the risks associated with that behavior. I do agree with that, I would hope that with enough pressure companies could be encouraged to design their systems in such a way as to encourage safe behavior.