Wer sich öfter mit Corona infiziert, läuft offenbar Gefahr, an einer unheilbaren Immunschwäche zu erkranken. Darauf deuten laut Gesundheitsminister Lauterbach verschiedene Untersuchungen hin, die derzeit weiter erforscht werden. In der Folge würde das Risiko für chronische Krankheiten wie Demenz steigen.
Thanks for the link, but have you read these studies? If yes, which of those have something to do with “aging the immune system”? That infections can have serious long term effects is nothing new, that is known for a very long time, by the way.
Thanks for the link, but have you read these studies? If yes, which of those have something to do with “aging the immune system”? That infections can have serious long term effects is nothing new, that is known for a very long time, by the way.