• HiddenLayer5
    2 years ago

    Isolate a potential pedophile from society if they have not committed any wrong.

    How do you plan on determining their mental state beyond a reasonable doubt? Otherwise you’ll be punishing a ton of innocent people. And your use of “potential” pedophile makes me think that you think sweeping a bunch of innocent people in is okay as long as you get all the pedophiles, and respectfully, no it’s not.

    If you don’t have a way of reliably reading people’s minds, which you don’t, and you don’t want to falsely punish people, which you wouldn’t, then you can only be sure they’re a pedophile when they commit a sex crime. Instead of, you know, allowing them to get treatment so the sex crime is prevented in the first place.

    What happened to “(re)education and prevention instead of punishment” in socialism? In the end it doesn’t matter to the victim if their abuser is executed or jailed forever (people seem to fixate on whether already convicted sex offenders should be sentenced to death or not when discussing this, instead of methods of prevention), because the damage is already done. Revenge doesn’t actually heal your own wounds, mental, physical, or otherwise. Instead, what would matter to the victim is if you can prevent someone from committing the abuse, so the damage is not done and they never get wounded in the first place.

    • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Re-education is theoretically a greater solution, however the problem is West pop, kpop and Japanese shotacon/lolicon culture has already done the damage to society it needed to. Reversing is, let’s just say very hard.

      Unless one wants the world to accept and live with this thing (and said proponents above that fuel it) forever, if one wants to prevent someone from committing this abuse, the only solution is to work your way through society in this manner, unless you want to keep fighting anyone left over. It is a form of cancer that spreads quickly. And art forms like these do not exactly have an easy solution. You really have to do it like DPRK, abolishment of South Korean art/media material distribution, for example. But that limits so called “freedom” and creates different kind of problems.

      Society in many ways stands at a point beyond possible repair. Capitalist entertainment might have taken society to one of its final conclusions already, with AI photo art now being likely the penultimate step before 720p AI video becomes a tool available to masses.

      • HiddenLayer5
        2 years ago

        So, having said all this, would you be okay with you or people you love who you know are not a pedophile, getting rounded up and imprisoned/killed because some “eliminate pedophilia no matter the human cost or collateral damage” task force for maybe, possibly having the slightest tendency to be sexually attracted to children?

        Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for banning any and all media that even has the tiniest element of sexualizing children. Burn it all, no one needs that crap ever, and pieces of media aren’t living things that have rights…

        BUT, from what I can gather, and please correct me if I’m wrong as I may be misunderstanding you here: you’re suggesting we start blanket banning people (i.e. “isolate from society”, which were your exact words), you know, those living things that we should really be upholding the rights of as socialists, on the suspicion they’re sexually attracted to children? Sorry, but hard disagree with that from a socialist/leftist perspective, and a sentiment like that bears a scary amount of resemblance to the Spanish Inquisition or the Salem Witch Trials (it’s easy to be horrified at the cruelty those because the things they were trying to uphold was BS, but even if what you’re upholding is noble, like protecting children from sexual abuse, it still doesn’t give you a pass to throw an untold number of innocent people under the bus), or, you know, the Western BS such as how all Muslims are terrorists so we should be arresting all of them, or, maybe even more fitting, the way the Philippines has been dealing with drugs?

        Also, the DPRK banning South Korean media and culture is not the same as “isolate potential pedophiles from society”, because, again, the things they’re trying to isolate and destroy are non-living things like media and ideas, not people. What you’re suggesting of “isolate potential pedophiles from society” is more akin to the Western propaganda talking point that the DPRK executes/sends to labour camps three generations of a family for one person committing a political crime because “they think the propensity to be traitors of the regime is passed down through the bloodline”, which, I thought we all agreed there was no hard evidence for.

        • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          Do I love specific people, or do I choose children? Is this the choice it comes down to? Is it a rational question? To what extent must people protect their individualist interests? To what extent do the rights of rest of society get trampled upon?

          If upholding the rights of people allows to converge the argument with indirect protection of potential pedophiles who have not committed the crime physically, what would be the criteria to filter people? Unlimited surveillance of every internet user? Unlimited surveillance using cameras in society? Internet comments, or re/distribution of media in any form that contains Western singers dressed as lollipop candy sucking ponytail teenagers, or kpop material, or lolicon/shotacon material?

          The goal of my comment was to question the silence on male child victims of pedophilia, and to stimulate this debate on how would one even go about solving such a problem, when society is already damaged by such kind of media nearly irreversibly. Barely anyone tries to mention the issue of corruption of consumed media and its perception by its consumers.

          What DPRK is trying to do is not that surface level. They do understand what I feel about these things. Media and ideas are extension of people, and when people continue to consume such media and ideas so much, people end up becoming an extension of ideas and media.

          I never suggested that it be some kind of three generations of concentration camps Western media brainfart, but I see no other effective way, considering how deep the effects of Western/SK pop and shotacon/lolicon cartoons are on people. The approach of public education might have been way easier to implement about 8-10 years ago, but unrestricted internet access of such content has created different conditions now. We are at a point in society, where people are using ChatGPT and AI art creation and to some extent even AI music creation. Moreover, the photos we click using our phones are so Instagram focused, most people have lost touch of how even photographs look like.

          The problem with how you phrase this, keeping in perspective the so called human element, is that it disregards the developments that have happened in the past decade in regards with how far corruption of perspective of consumed media has happened. Detachment from reality may sound like objective analysis, but is irrelevant in a non utopian society. This is kind of why despite PSNR and SSIM existing to perform objective analysis of video quality measurements, we now use something called VMAF developed by Netflix.

          • HiddenLayer5
            2 years ago

            As a counter argument, I submit to you the countless instances of the bourgeoisie and even ruling class being re-educated and turned into productive socialist workers post revolution, including, notably, a former Chinese emperor who ended up joining and being accepted into the CPC. Capitalism, fascism/nationalism, and imperialism are all ingrained into society far more than pedophilia, yet the actual revolutionaries that actually worked to destroy those sentiments did not kill blindly and recognized the human capacity for real change.

            Pivoting slightly, the materialist question of how do you read one’s mind still stands. Media can be judged for whether they have an element of sexualizing children, how do you expand that to people? You say that constant surveillance of everyone’s activities “just to extend rights to potential pedophiles” is infeasible, and this whole thing hinges on the fact that that we’re in reality and not some utopia, yet you’re proposing some abstract way of determining whether someone might have a certain mental state? Based on what? We don’t even fully understand the psychology and neurology behind regular sexual attraction and arousal, let alone its disorders, and just like any other sexual attraction or fetish, many people who have the seed of them in their subconscious don’t even know it until when and if it manifests into the realm of the conscious, yet you have a way of picking out every potential pedophile? Unless you peg every single person as a pedophile by default until proven otherwise, I don’t see how this can be done, especially if you’ve already rejected constant surveillance of one’s actions, how do you plan on policing their thoughts? Yes we live in a non-utopian society that struggles with the existence of sexualization of children, but it’s the same non-utopian society where crystal balls and psychic brain scans do not exist.

            Also, what’s the line for pedophilia here? Would a 18 year old being attracted to a 17 year old count? A 19 year old and a 16 year old? What about a 12 year old, right at the beginning of puberty where hormones are just going crazy and irrational thoughts galore, being attracted to a 10 year old? What about intrusive or transient thoughts that won’t ever be acted upon? What about an adult who watched and enjoyed a few middle school romance movies? There are cartoons, completely non sexual and aimed at children, produced by even socialist countries, where child characters develop romantic feelings for each other and even do things like kiss (it’s not like that doesn’t happen IRL all the time), should they be classed the same as lolicon and their adult creators and any adult viewers jailed for maybe being pedophiles because they might have liked those elements not for literary or plot purposes but maybe because they were sexually aroused? Squirrel and Hedgehog, produced by the DPRK, and tons of Chinese donghua and Soviet animations produced by their respective state media, come to mind. You said potential pedophile, how potential do you want to get exactly? Sorry if I sound facetious as that is not my intent, but you never mentioned what you consider “potential pedophile” so I’m trying to get a better idea of what you mean when you use that phrase.

            Also, just wanted to be clear: I did not comment on what you said about female pedophiles and male victims because I agree with that sentiment. Didn’t want you think I was ignoring that aspect of your argument.

            • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmygrad.ml
              2 years ago

              countless instances of the bourgeoisie and even ruling class being re-educated and turned into productive socialist workers post revolution

              Class struggle is far and away from something like struggle of societal ills. The moral implications are not the same, and adults are less vulnerable than children.

              Addressing further the “potential pedophile” issue, what we probably need is scientific research and analysis on pedophiles, lots of it. Neurological and physical analysis and the kind. Nobody will volunteer for this for obvious reasons, so those that get arrested regularly must be the subjects of research for this. There are a lot of common patterns among consumers of such works, that can be identified and worked on, and used as criteria to figure out people in society. This is far more filtered down than the mass blanket arrest approach you thought I was proposing. There was once a TED Talk proposing about pedophilia being considered not as mental illness but as a sexual orientation.

              Cases that revolve around juvenile age are different than ones where the creepy uncle/aunty or adult commits against the underage female or male child, and have certain kind of framework around it already.

              I do not think anyone considers underage kids involved with each other the same as uncle/aunty forcing themselves on a child. The former falls under juvenile category, and is a lot different. Middle school romance movies are not the same as child pornography in any way, shape or form. Kissing and hugging is grey area and generally ignored by society, and further acts are considered as alarming and pornographic.

              A lot more can be done about this than you think, and one who knows their way around should not find it hard to classify these things and develop framework.

              • HiddenLayer5
                2 years ago

                Again, all this hinges on future research that may or may not yield anything or might take an unknown amount of time, with a massive risk of tons of false positives once it’s put into force. Meanwhile we currently have treatments for pedophilia than can make it go into remission and render people no longer a threat to children. From a materialistic point of view, this does not check out.

                Also, you’re planning on researching people arrested for sex crimes to understand all of pedophilia? This gets into all kinds of sample bias and the same issue as studying any actively manifesting disease to understand things about the disease pre manifestation. That has failed many times and is now a well-known pitfall in medical research. The data you collect could very well not help you in determining potential pedophiles at all, only pedophiles who are active sex offenders. That can definitely still be helpful in determining the extreme end of pedophilia, but I suspect that’s not good enough for you.

                And what do you do after this? On everyone’s 18th birthday subject them to a mandatory extremely invasive psychoanalysis and jail them if they hit anything on your hypothetical framework?

                Also also, TED is not a scientific journal or even a half reputable source of science, I would have thought all the anticommunist BS that comes out of that would have put socialists off trusting it. Also, if it is a sexual orientation, how will you prevent it from spontaneously cropping up even after you kill all the current potential pedophiles? There is a genetic component to sexual orientation, but also a huge epigenetic component in how the brain develops during pregnancy and childhood. Actually, this is the same for mental disorders too so whether it’s a disease or a sexual orientation doesn’t matter. If I understand it correctly, your solution hinges on a single massive purge and then we’ll be done with it forever? Not going to happen. Also, because you’re proposing doing this before they have any sort of physical manifestation of this, it raises all kinds of issues of you’re killing or imprisoning people for things they had no control of of you admit that it’s not a choice, which a sexual orientation (or mental disorder) aren’t. Abusing someone is a choice yes, which is why I wholly support harsh punishments for those, but not mental states. You even said in your first comment that you want to isolate people from society that haven’t done any wrongs. So what are you punishing them for? Having a disposition that developed spontaneously that they had no control over?

                Just curious, is pedophilia the only thing you have this stance toward? What about fetishes with adults? Bondage? Duress roleplay? What about sexual attraction to animals or objects? Or more importantly pivoting from sex, what about sociopathy and violent tendencies? Those people can harm children too, with a much higher incidence I might add, and IMO violence is just as if not more ingrained into society as sex, also violent tendencies are much easier to determine than sexual disorders, should we be stopping all attempts at trearment for that and isolating potential violent people from society too and giving them no chance to change or overcome their disorders?

                • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmygrad.ml
                  2 years ago

                  Why may future research not yield anything that helps filter pedophiles from rest of society? Why do you think so strongly that something should not be tried because you feel it can result in false positives? If there can be false positives, is it really worse than letting these creepy uncle/aunty incidents let happen, just because they would be less noticed in society and less voiced against by silent children?

                  On everyone’s 18th birthday subject them to a mandatory extremely invasive psychoanalysis and jail them if they hit anything on your hypothetical framework?

                  After pointing out Western media brainrot, you actually use “extremely invasive” phrasing for this. I see no issue with a mandatory test at the end of 12th grade school, and is easy to implement, just like one exists for drivers license. An independent committee can be created for it by government. If any such test may be “extremely invasive”, why not just say even driver tests are extremely harsh or heinous or whatever the hell it can be called? If driver license prevents rash people from the right to driving, guess what, children can also be prevented from destroyed life.

                  Do you realise you are presenting this argument in a time where this is slowly becoming a massive hidden bubble in society, ready to pop at some point? The whole thing is being accelerated by AI art and Instagram even more than you think, as well as anime and kpop going way more mainstream than it ever has.

                  There is no proposal by me, for a single massive purge, or whatever Himmler-ist way you think I said it. A test like this at the end of high school seems similar to any test you need to graduate from school. Another test like this can be mandatorily conducted at the age of, probably, 45 years old, in society. This factor can be determined more strongly by research and past criminal records, but a method like this can easily reduce pedophilia in society. The fact that such a test has not existed, when numerous entrance tests for universities have existed, or psychoanalysis has been abused by West for purposes of capitalist advertising and consent manufacturing for war, blows my mind.

                  Just curious, is pedophilia the only thing you have this stance toward? What about fetishes with adults? Bondage? Duress roleplay? What about sexual attraction to animals or objects? Or more importantly pivoting from sex, what about sociopathy and violent tendencies?

                  Adults having fetishes or roleplay or BDSM with other adults consenting is none of our business. However, zoophilia is quite the problem. Zoophilia industry mostly involves female humans and dogs, horses and pigs, and the argument that studio makers and females present is that animal willingly desires to hump or insert their penis in their butthole, which is fucking disgusting levels of manipulation and abuse of (I think this falls in) neurobiochemistry. Every zoophile purposely hides the fact that their pet/farm animals have been kept extremely lonely, despite having their sexual needs like every human, to the extent poor dogs hump pillows at homes. As such, animals make do with what they get, which is… a perverted human.

                  * Zoophilia and bestiality technically have distinctions, however the distinctions are so blurred, most activity under the label of zoophilia is basically animal sex. Most of this distinction point out is usually just trolling by bestiality practitioners and their supporters.

                  Regarding violent tendencies, video games are attempted to be blamed by West, and is continuously proven wrong on it. What allows for violent tendencies is much closer to a combination of readily available and advertised/cheered for gun rights, plus socio-economic instability and dissatisfaction among populace. This is far too condensed and simplistic but explains why mass shootings, a kind of violent tendency, happens so much in USA. Various kinds of violent tendencies can be researched upon and a framework created for this in society.

                  Edit: a little note about zoophilia above

                  • HiddenLayer5
                    2 years ago

                    How does a test determine pedophilia? And if someone was a pedophile, do you not think they’ll try literally everything to cone off as normal? By invasive, I was imagining like a ton of MRIs with the person forced to look at pictures of children to gauge their subconscious response, or an interrogation style thing in a dark room or something. Maybe you think it’s acceptable, and maybe it turns out to be, but I don’t think so as of writing this.

                    Also, okay, you got someone who hit one of your criteria for potential pedophilia. They have never acted on it, as you said in your first comment, have not done any wrong. What do you propose? They be jailed for life just because of a mental disposition? You have already rejected the notion of medical treatment and reeducation, so I assume this is what you’re getting at? Like, if the consequence was mandatory treatment or therapy, and not permanent isolation from society without the chance of returning, I would think a lot more favorably of this kind of screening, but again, you seem to have already rejected any sort of treatment angle. On top of treatment, for jobs involving looking after children it can be valid if you want to outright ban anyone who hits something on the pedophilia test, like how you already have to clear a much more stringent background check than if you were applying for your standard office job, but again, from what I gather you seem to mean just stick them in a prison camp for life, you know, for having not actually committed any offenses. Again correct me if I’m wrong.

                    Finally, the false positive thing, I don’t agree. That sentiment, again, bears an uncomfortable resemblance to the West’s attitude toward Islam and terrorism, and to that end have arrested and imprisoned countless Muslims on the thinnest suspicision that they are terrorists, completely with going for the whole “for the greater good” and “even if we throw innocent people under tge bus at least we’re protecting more innocent people” angles too. If someone who is in no way attracted to children gets swept up in this, do you just expect them to go “oh well, guess I’ll just let my life get screwed over through no fault of my own to protect those kids!” I assume you’re in no way attracted to children right? You can at least see why a ton of people would have a problem with that right? Would you be okay with being arbitrarily labeled a pedophile and getting whatever punishment you propose? What about your family? I assume they’re not pedophiles either, but what if this hypothetical test thought they were? This again, if it was just treatment and not isolation from society, people who are falsely flagged would be less of a problem, because getting treated for a mental problem you don’t have might be inconvenient but isn’t going to destroy your life, and it can be an acceptable inconvenience in the goal of protecting children.