• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    101 year ago

    Amusingly Europeans are starting to realize this, but have no idea what to do about it. Since US runs a mob style protection racket in Europe, it’s not exactly possible to have any sort of independent policy.

  • @hanabatake
    31 year ago

    This article is bad. Some things are false (like nearly everything said about Europe’s weapons dependance on American firms), some things are unproven (like the nord stream) and some things are unimportant (like Russian constitution being more democratic than European ones). Addressing the defense issue without saying that they do not agree on many geopolitical issues will not help the reader to understand. Furthermore, France is military independent and more desindustrialized than Germany. How so ?

    PS: It could also be interesting to talk about Switzerland