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Hypothesis is a new effort to implement an old idea: A conversation layer over the entire web that works everywhere, without needing implementation by any underlying site.

Using annotation, this enables sentence-level note taking or critique on top of classroom reading, news, blogs, scientific articles, books, terms of service, ballot initiatives, legislation and more. Everything built is guided by Hypothesis’ principles, in particular that it be free, open, neutral, and lasting to name a few.

The group feature is great for groups of students or researchers working together. Features include highlighting text, annotating specific text, or leaving page notes which are not anchored to any text. I see there are some independent mobile apps available too.

There is a good video explanation of what you can do at or see their site at

#technology #opensource #annotate #knowledge #hypothesis

  • @bbarkerOP
    22 years ago

    I love, and a few years ago, did a small project using it. It seems like something that could be federated (or at least, distributed), and may be of interested to Fediverse users.

  • Sven van der Meer
    11 year ago

    In the 2000s we had the “semantic web”, somehow similar, plenty of research done (and things moved). Main problem was to make sure people do annotate. No semantic process w/o semantics, aka annotations. We see the problem today in Mastodon, annotating media content is going down because mane new arrivals don’t think about it (yet). Interesting that Zuckerberg (Meta) gives money to it (via Chan Zuckerberg CZI).