Never change, Gordon.
Dumbass? The bloke gets more money than you and me combined for spewing a some BS every couple of weeks. Doesn’t even have to be a different type of BS. This guy grifts
Me Waiting for china to actually collapesed after being told by gordon chang for the 1109778837557 bajillion times :
who the fuck is gordon chang
Uncle Chang is a undercover comrade that tells westoids China is collapsing every few weeks for the past 20 years, he does so in order to get parasites to dump their money in a “collapsing” society in hopes of accelerating the collapse, creating a monopoly, and exploit the people. Comrade Gordon Chang have gotten billions of dollars invested in Chinese economy and is known back home as the “新雷锋”, someone who is willing to “卧薪尝胆” for his home country. /S
I declare this is my head canon now
I like how every single year we get a prediction of China collapsing and yet nothing happens
…of Gordon Chang’s credibility (c. 2011)
Pure fucking idealism
…Have they never heard of definite articles or is the word “the” too difficult to spell?
Being stubbornly wrong every year for 25+ years in a row.
Truly a talented professional.
Gordon Chang is either some elaborate form of performance art, or a secret MSS asset on a mission to make gullible westerners think China is weaker than it is.
Trillion dollars disappearing from China: becoming RMB and goods.