that’s a good question. i think if you are under the care of a clinician, it can be a great exercise to push yourself. if you aren’t, i would just be very careful to not go overboard. be realistic about what you can and cannot do at the moment because pushing yourself too hard can make the challenge backfire and worsen your mental state.
so i would say yes, it can be good but if you’re doing it on your own make the “challenges” very small so that they are achievable without being overly stressful. like you mention social anxiety, so a challenge might be to make small talk with someone or to call someone on the phone. and then once you’re able to do whatever challenge with less anxiety, you can move to something slightly more challenging (and so on)
could we pool something together?
i wouldn’t even know where to start. what do you find difficult? large groups? small groups? long periods of socializing?
all three lol, i suck at being human
being a human is super stressful tbh
are you more anxious about talking to strangers or reaching out to people you know? i know that question seems silly but for me i’d rather talk to a stranger than message someone i know lmao
both… i shit my pants when i have to talk to people i know and i haven’t spoken to a stranger by my own will in years