saw someone post about this elsewhere, seems pretty cool

H.O.R.I.Z.O.N. is an intentional digital space that aims to assemble a playbook for an online and offline world more attuned to the intelligence of ecology, queerness, and sovereign living.

H.O.R.I.Z.O.N. was conceived by the Institute of Queer Ecology (IQECO). Operating as a decentralized collective of creative practitioners, IQECO produces artwork, programming, and exhibitions that draw on queer, feminist, and decolonial theory in order to “make space for imagining an equitable, multispecies future.”

    • skittermouseOP
      3 years ago

      as far as i can tell it is not, but i may be wrong on that, i’m just going by what they provide on the websites. my understanding is that people can contribute content (the post i saw described it as an art mmo bbs) but i don’t think they have intended for it to be forkable (yet? idk)