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Tweet by sushant sareen @sushantsareen
“Time to say it. This romanticisation of farmers is utterly brainless. They do no favour to anyone by farming. No one owes them anything. They farm because thats what they do. Others are tailors, barbers, industrialists, doctors, engineers, shopkeepers, labourers, builders etc”
where does this fool think food comes from???
From the store, and there is where this chain of thought ends. Romanticism of having food on the table, ffs.
sidenote i wanted to title this with alternating caps meme style “LiKe tHiS” but i didn’t know if it would affect screen readers. does anyone know if screen readers speak words as case-sensitive?
I’m fairly sure they don’t take cases into consideration. Though, I don’t use one, and I only tested that on a tts reader website.
Give me rural farmers any day; at least they can fight for what they believe in.
This guy doesn’t need farmers. He buys his food from the supermarket. /s
This is the kind of brain rot you see when people internalise M-C-M to be the natural order.
liberals be like “the people who uphold our entire fucking society? fuck’em!”