• @vitaminka
    2 years ago

    i like how ppl always post black and white picture of commie blocks in the winter to portray it as some super depressing place, but as someone living in a commie block rn, i can honestly tell that (unless your apartment has fallen under disrepair over the years) it’s actually kinda awesome

    we have a barcelona-esque superblock formed by four corner buildings, each 5-9 storeys high, with an awesome garden in-between, with a children’s playground, a small football field (a hockey field in the winter), flower beds, trees and benches

    whereas capitalist housing is either soul-sucking unimaginably ugly suburbia for the rich, unaffordable high-rise apartments in the cities or slums for the poor 🤷‍♀️

    commie blocks aren’t perfect by any means, but they’re a decent place to live

    • loathesome dongeater
      52 years ago

      whereas capitalist housing is either soul-sucking unimaginably ugly suburbia for the rich

      Only a microscopic (in terms of number) minority have the misfortune of living in suburban hell. There are vastly more people living in shanty towns in capitalist countries. Especially the ones in the third world.

    • @FuckBigTech347@lemmygrad.ml
      52 years ago

      unaffordable high-rise apartments in the cities

      Not to mention that the people who do actually buy these don’t live in them or even see them in person. Since housing under capitalism is just a commodity, an unaffordable apartment is equal to an unaffordable sports car. Both are used as status symbols to show off.

  • @dogmuffins
    -82 years ago

    I suspect this shows the best housing Socialism offers the poor and the worst housing capitalism offers the poor.

    Socialism is better at supporting the poor, no doubt… but this is disingenuous.