great!, take a look at this! #ViajePorLaVida #JourneyForLife
This is the official website of the European Coordination for the “Journey for Life”, in which a large Zapatista delegation will travel to the other Europe with the objective of supporting/meeting with the struggles below and to the left. This trip is being coordinated by many collectives and people all over Europe and Mexico. LOTS!
All respect to the Zapatistas!
My friend is actually in the welcoming committee in my town!
great!, take a look at this! #ViajePorLaVida #JourneyForLife
This is the official website of the European Coordination for the “Journey for Life”, in which a large Zapatista delegation will travel to the other Europe with the objective of supporting/meeting with the struggles below and to the left. This trip is being coordinated by many collectives and people all over Europe and Mexico. LOTS! ___
Viaje Zapasita website