• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      2 years ago

      And what makes China’s, India’s etc. demands to go up from the current imports?

      The manufacturing that’s moving there from Europe right now.

      No it’s not. You picked the wrong number. That’s the central bank’s key rate. The inflation in August 2022 was 14,3%.

      No, I didn’t pick the wrong number. The inflation was at 15% peak, and has been coming down since.

      Then why steal it?

      Well going with the narrative of the article it’s to sell it for profit. Did you read the article you linked? 😂

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          2 years ago

          Yes, but I’m talking about demand or supply that will met the previous Europe’s exports. The calculations show that those numbers are not met even with the new pipelines, even with more supply and demand. Not sure why this is so hard to understand.

          Not sure what part of Russia can build as many pipelines as they need you’re struggling with here. Meanwhile, in the short term Russia is making money hand over fist, so not like they’re hurting in the short term either.

          Are you mixing this up to the estimates they have released for 2023?

          No, I’m not. I’m talking about month by month inflation. Here’s another breakdown for you https://www.focus-economics.com/countries/russia/news/inflation/inflation-comes-in-at-highest-level-since-february-2016-in-october-0

          Consumer prices rose 1.11% in October over the previous month, picking up from the 0.60% increase seen in September. October’s uptick marked the highest reading since March 2015 and was chiefly driven by rising prices for goods and food. Meanwhile, services prices were broadly stable at the outset of Q4.

          Inflation increased to 8.1% in October, following September’s 7.4%. October’s reading represented the highest inflation rate since February 2016. Meanwhile, the trend pointed up, with annual average inflation coming in at 6.1% in October (September: 5.7%). Lastly, core inflation rose to 8.0% in October, from September’s 7.6%.

          Consumer prices are staying pretty stable. How does that compare with Europe again?

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
              2 years ago

              I literally said inflation is down to 7.5%:

              Inflation in Russia has been falling, and it’s now down to 7.5% already.

              I’m sorry I didn’t realize you’re unable to comprehend that inflation being down to 7.5% implies there is change over time in inflation.

              And of course, we don’t have to talk about annual rates. We can clearly talk about the change in inflation over past 6 months. Change in Russia has been that inflation is dropping and prices are stable. The change in Europe has been the opposite. These are basic facts of the situation.

                  • fu@libranet.de
                    2 years ago

                    @varjolintu @yogthos of course it is going up. The Bank of Europe, like most other central banks in the world, have created more money in the last 2 years than in the entiriy of their extenciense up until 2020.