Hello comrades! I have read many Marxist analyses of many current issues, including RU-UKR, various aspects of the Chinese revolution and modern China, and imperialism, and it got me wondering: when you are faced with an issue that has not been addressed from a materialist perspective, what questions do you ask yourself to guide your analysis of that event? What questions, in general, are answered in an analysis to make it “Marxist”? How do you find contradictions in the Marxist sense? In short, how do I go about applying Marxism to any given situation?

  • pancake
    2 years ago

    Well, as I’ve always understood it, it’s important to understand the material conditions that lead to any situation. Anything that happened in the past could not had happened in any other way, and every issue of the present is motivated by historical reasons. But I’m still learning about this (thanks to Dessalines’ wonderful compilation of Marxist theory and other pointers I’ve been given here).