Plot twist, they still look the same, OP just changed how they view women.
Another plot twist; the second picture is trump. My PE teacher actually looked like fire marshal bill.
Did they show you something?
Let’s play firemen! Weewooweewoo
Trump is one foxy grandma 😏
Tbh I’d prefer to have the hamberdler watch me struggle and fail to do one pull-up.
lol good point, don’t need that self esteem crushed even further.
I was surprisingly lucky. My PE teacher was actually a cool guy. He knew I hated sports and didn’t want to do any of them (especially because of the way other kids treated me) and would only do the “show up in your clothes” C, so sometimes we’d go into his office and play chess instead. I’m terrible at chess, but it was still nice of him.
Now the other PE teacher at the school, he was an evangelical asshole who treated a Jewish kid like shit.
i know you look back about this and think of it fondly, but as someone who has worked extensively in pedagogy, your teacher sucked and failed you lol first of all, your teachers job as a PE teacher is to instill values of an active lifestyle. PE literally exists for a reason. ideally you try a lot of things out and maybe get a hobby, but also to learn about a general lifestyle of good health. that’s why sexual health, mental health, etc are often part of PE programs in the US.
now, I’m not saying your PE teacher was a bad person. I’m sure they had a lot of empathy and knew your struggle. however, that’s like saying your math teacher let you play chess instead of teaching you math. sounds great, but at the end of the day, it’s a huge failing on the part of your educator. they ideally should’ve helped with the issues that kept you from enjoying PE and not let you off with an easy ride. you may not know it, but there could be a host of things you don’t know about your own body or collaboration skills because you were playing chess instead of organized sports during PE. that’s a huge, exaggerated stretch, but not unheard of. I just read an article about a couple who couldn’t conceive for 10 years because they didn’t know how to have sex. as weird it is to realize, most in the US learn this from PE. just an example.
PE in my school was just ‘play sports’ or ‘run the track.’
like I said, your teachers failed you
Considering all the other high school gym stories I’ve heard in my life, I would say the opposite.
Miss. Mann from scary movie
It’s scary how close that is to how one of my teachers looked.
OP is from behind the iron curtain, they got taught by the former olmypics competitor for the shot put
Ok, who is the one on left?
something is saying ai to me
Hand looks fine to me :shrug:
are you saying Deem Zoo is not the next Psycroptic?
Took me a second. Had me in the first half ngl
Literally my elementary school AND high school (2 different women) gym teachers were the right picture.
No cap
The one on the right would give you those smalls signals that she wants to fuck. Then 40 years pass and you regret not tapping that.
I …?
the only reasonable answer.
Bro u were 15 that was NOT happening