Does the virtual hellworld go through the same progressive economic stages as the meatworld? E-feudalism, e-capitalism, e-socialism, e-communism? Virtual slave revolts and virtual Pinkermen and virtual war crimes? Will there be an e-Zuckerberg to make a Meta-Meta, where the cycle repeats?
Isn’t this akin to the extension to the simulation theory that says not only could be living in a simulation, we could be living several layers deep into multiple nested simulations? As in, ultra advanced race develops technology to simulate a universe. Simulated universe eventually develops enough to make their own simulated universe, rinse and repeat until you get to our universe.
Does the virtual hellworld go through the same progressive economic stages as the meatworld? E-feudalism, e-capitalism, e-socialism, e-communism? Virtual slave revolts and virtual Pinkermen and virtual war crimes? Will there be an e-Zuckerberg to make a Meta-Meta, where the cycle repeats?
Isn’t this akin to the extension to the simulation theory that says not only could be living in a simulation, we could be living several layers deep into multiple nested simulations? As in, ultra advanced race develops technology to simulate a universe. Simulated universe eventually develops enough to make their own simulated universe, rinse and repeat until you get to our universe.
Synecdoque, Meta.