We no longer have access to any solid data on this. But hospital admissions is a good data point with relative stability.

  • 201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    My aunt died BECAUSE of COVID but not FROM COVID. She had cancer and it was in remission. She was doing very well. She also had been vaccinated against COVID. She still got COVID despite this but the vaccine helped her kick it’s ass in a few days. BUT COVID did some fucky shit with her immune system and/or the cancer before it left. Cancer got out of control and she was gonna a month later.

    The ONLY way for her to have not died was to simply not be exposed to it. So all these anti lockdown, anti-vax people really piss me off. I basically ended a friendship with someone because they were antivax and the dipshits got COVID twice now. I have a LOT of mistrust if the US healthcare and pharma industry, from being prescribed meds I didn’t need that I got addicted to and had and still have issues from, and I still got the vaccines. I also work for a pharma company that manufactures one of them. They could be safer. They SHOULD be safer, but as it stands you’re still far safer getting them then getting COVID 100%. The biggest concern is your genetics with your bodies ability to process Ethylmercury which is used as a preservative in a lot of adult focused vaccines. It’s a pretty small portion of the populace and isn’t super well known but it’s still an issue people should be aware of but aren’t. What’s dumb is we can totally make these things without it but it’s a little more difficult and more costly. As far as the mRNA scare is it’s all BS. We’ve been studying these kinds of vacs for a while now it’s just this gave us the opportunity to start using it en mass.

      • 201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        Last bit of #3: Oh yeah, it’s caused a lot of problems with our company because all these clients got used to being able to skirt regulation and production timing with their COVID projects and got super removed when we told them “no” for their other projects they want to run through us the same way. Like sorry, we could expedite this shit for COVID because the govt basically ordered it, we can’t do that for everything. It’s caused a lot of issues and so many deviations that some of those companies are using the deviations as an excuse to not pay us for all the COVID products we made for them. There’s is no end to the sleezyness of these fucking Pharma companies. Our facility is just a contract manufacturer. We don’t own or do any of the development of them meds other than figuring out how to make them en mass for clients. Not that our company is innocent. The upper management is basically brain dead and their entire business strategy feels like some corporate sabotage because that’s more believable than “there’s fuckers really are this incompetent.” lol. If the job market wasn’t so trash I would have changed professions years ago and gotten out of pharma all together. It just fucking sucks working for these demons.