Hello. Hopefully I won’t get banned for mentioning some stuff happening in China. From a western perspective, China seems perfect. There is a Communist Party in charge and the constitution says people have labor rights. But I want to examine some topics which make me very uncomfortable. For reference: Grew up in China 2002 to 2012, Moved to America, currently going through University in Americar, planning to go back to China immediately when I finish and restore People’s Republic citizenship. After living in the west for 10 years I am a hardcore communist. After I read the Little Red Book it was one of the most awesome things I ever read. I am grateful that the most populous country with such a huge territory and long history has a Communist government. Forgive me if I’m a bit on edge, the whole Nancy Pelosi Bullshit is making me very very stressed. If Americar and China are going to fight, at least do so after I escape Americar and go back to my family.

For those of you who doubt me: 如果你真的怀疑我是中国人,你觉得一个假中国人能写出这样的话吗?当然, 现代有谷歌翻译,但是毕竟谷歌翻译是机器,有时候还会不能完美地模仿人类的自然语言。全世界无产阶级人民团结!!!

Please please please don’t just see the epic People’s Liberation Army videos or the official news reportings, there is so much on bilibili and zhihu that a westerner wouldn’t know unless you are fluent in the language.

Tsinghua University Rainbow flags incident. Recently there has been an incident with Tsinghua University, one of the most prestigious higher education places in the coutnry. (the fact that this place is prestigious is problematic to me. Aren’t we communists supposed to, you know, ensure equality? I don’t think Westerners truly understand just how unequal education is in China. The quality of school facilities in rich and poor areas are just absolutely incomparable, and graduates of prestigious universities get much better jobs and much better income, which just isn’t fair. An engineering graduate is an engineering graduate, there shouldn’t be any differences in educational standards in different schools) A student left 10 little LBGT rainbow flags on a table, then was punished for it because the school says it is “宣传品“ which can be translated as propaganda OR informational materials. Not everything has to do with LGBT is about western infiltration you know. How can a student be punished for simply leaving 10 (TEN) rainbow flags? It’s a general symbol of Sexual and Gender Minorities. If there is proof of western infiltration, then yes, that is a problem. Right now I see very little Native Chinese activity in terms of LGBT. I agree the Chinese need our own LGBT awareness programs but it just isn’t happening. I don’t know why the central people’s government isn’t just coming out and saying people shouldn’t discriminate against LGBT. Even the word LGBT is western in origin, the Chinese need their own word for it. I think we should use 奻𤲶双跨. Each zi corresponds to each letter in LGBT. On Weibo微博 there were people arguing over this, in typical Chinese shitshow fashion. I heard enough of this in my childhood, my grandparents and my mother are all practitioners of the well-respected art of yelling. (Me too, although I tend to do more targeted insults, against homophobia, transphobia, corporate bootlicking, western bootlicking, religious persecution of others etc). There are very many extremely homophobic people on there saying that this is “western infiltration“ and that the students deserve even more punishment. Some say that Homosexuals should keep to themselves. The problem is, Homosexuals just aren’t seen in society, and if LGBT keep to themselves, how can they ensure that they are not discriminated against in terms of employment, education, and other opportunities? What about school bullying, domestic violence, suicides? How can Gay people even find love if they can’t even say “hey, we are gay?” There were nice people who argued FOR LBGT and insulted the homophobes, by saying that homophobes have no culture (没文化is a very common insult in China) and that although homopbobes say that homosexuals are diseased, the true disease are the homophobes themlseves. When I became a Communist in America, it’s precisely because they are simply the better side, the left supports LGBT, the right does not. I can’t deal with the fact that my home country, which should embrace Marxist Materialism according to its own ruling party, has so much homophobia. Western report: https://supchina.com/2022/07/27/the-rise-and-fall-of-lgbtq-student-groups-in-china/ Report in Chinese language (but not from China), it contains what looks to be official school documents for the students’ consequences. https://chinadigitaltimes.net/chinese/684454.html
I couldn’t find any official reportage of this Tsinhua University event, but I do see it being talked about on social media. https://weibo.com/3349258552/KnEhha2e7?refer_flag=1001030103_ Weibo post reporting the government shutting down multiple university LGBT organizations. The user is happy and calls LGBT dirty and disgusting. Some people cite Marx and Engels who were homophobic. I understand that Marx and Engels were from a very different era and I love them despite their homophobia. I know that if they were born in a different time they definitely wouldn’t be homophobes.

The other problem I want to discuss is 996. So…. How are we going to fight against it? Is the government making any progress? They condemned it in 2021. Are companies actually being forced to give their employees human hours? Are companies giving them a 40 hour workweek with 2 days off each week? It is an incredible shame that in a Leftst Red country this sort of exploitation exists. Keep in mind that I ain’t saying Americar is good. University prices are sky high and Americans will NEVER be able to retire OR get a house. The American government is controlled by money. But that doesn’t matter because China shouldn’t be comparing itself against America. China should be comparing itself against the metrics of Communism. I see some western tovarishi (comerades) say that 996 is only in Shanghai and Macau and HongKong. Not true. It is a phenomenon all over. Some western comrades say that this is only the tech industry. Not true. I look on the Chinese internet and it seems to me 996 is a very widespread phenomenon across multiple sectors in multiple places. It is an unmentionable shame that a thousands years old culture which values FAMILY above all gives people 0 (ZERO) time to be with their family. This is not even mentioning the nongmingong (workers who have rural hukou/registration but who go to work in cities) who cannot buy houses in cities for some reason, they live in shitty accomodations and can only see their families for 15 days in Chinese New Near. Paid time off and vacations don’t exist in Chinese culture. Your boss and coworkers WILL call you and expect you to answer, IF you somehow manage to convince your superiors that you deserve a break. And the Hierarchical culture… Is absolutely disgusting. Higher ups will lord it over you like some feudal official. We are 共产主义者for fucks sake we should be equal. Now I admit I spent half of my life in America so I haven’t experienced things personally but I follow Chinese social media quite closely. It really is that bad. And before you accuse me of being a western spy or a Eff Bee Eye, first see if you can read this. If you can’t, then you should probably consider the fact that this is MY culture not yours… 中华文化是我的文化。我有资格去评价当前的中国人的网上谈论。 The Law has been against 996 exploitation for a VERY long time. But why has the government taken so long to act? Are their policies effective? You can’t just say you’re against something and not use all available force to punish these bad things. Americar makes laws and doesn’t enforce them, I don’t want China to become like America.

Another worrying phenomenon is a new way of looking at history. Confucious, a misogynistic monarchist who puts book-men(who do ceremonies or something) over farm laborers (who provide food) is rehabilitated by the Party. In Official documentaries about history, I see Emperors being praised. This is very dangerous because I can’t see myself loving these dudes who lived in palaces and had 100s of women to play with while their subjects labored in the fields. I see so much traditionalism in Chinese media and not enough revolutionary culture. Why? Please just why? The Great Helmsman (Mao) spent so much time fighting against feudal society. And in recent years, xenophobia is on the rise in Chinese online discours. Everything Chinese is good and Foreign things are bad. If China needs something, it has to be Chinese. LGBT is from the west therefore it is bad. Why would one listen to music from the West if one has good Chinese music to listen to? Westerners don’t beat their children, so we Chinese do. It’s only natural. Everything has to be Chinese nowadays. Where does cultural confidence end and chauvinism begin? I agree every single damn country needs cultural confidence. Look at the rise of the Right in Germany. If you’re not gonna teach to the young Deutschen good Deutsche Kultur, they will fall to Right Wing German culture, the bad part of Deutscher Kultur. And before you accuse me of being a western spy or a Eff Bee Eye, first see if you can read this. If you can’t, then you should probably consider the fact that this is MY culture not yours… 中华文化是我的文化。我有资格去评价当前的中国人的网上谈论。

Please please please don’t just see the epic People’s Liberation Army videos or the official news reportings, there is so much on bilibili and zhihu that a westerner wouldn’t know unless you are fluent in the language.

  • DankZedong
    2 years ago

    Not that I doubt you being Chinese and not being a federal agent, but throwing a random Chinese sentence at us and saying you therefore can’t be a Fed is a bit weird lmao. Especially given the length the US intelligence agencies go to counter China.

    That being said, we know China isn’t perfect. There’s a lot to improve. And that needs to happen by Chinese themselves. Critical support is always welcome.

    • DankZedong
      342 years ago

      I want to add that China is a country of 1.4 billion people. They can’t be all wholesome nice commies and some of them are horrible people. Same goes for some views of officials/the party and some of their policies.

      I leave the rest of the discussion to the other commenters who are more knowledgeable on the topic.

    • @panic@lemmygrad.ml
      262 years ago

      “Could a fed do this?? *does something feds are trained to do and put their lives on the line if they’re not good enough at it*”

      Saying you’re Chinese and a communist is all you need to do. This isn’t Reddit and if you’re arguing in good faith people won’t doubt you, comrade.

      • @FuckBigTech347@lemmygrad.ml
        192 years ago

        Their profile is only a few hours old and they have only 2 posts both of which are basically identical. Also the way they reply gives me the impression that they’ve already made up their mind. Seems sus.

        • @panic@lemmygrad.ml
          212 years ago

          It is sus but not “federal agent” sus. It’s a little shocking to see people making a new account and try to start a discussion with their first posts… that could just be someone who wanted to get it out of their chest and go back to lurking or a troll.

          I’m thankful for the information they’ve given but I don’t understand what’s the purpose of these posts.

        • Catraism-Stalinism
          122 years ago

          ehhh, didn’t they explain that though? And didn’t we know most of this already? But I can attest that the pattern is sus.

    • @XiaoFeiJu@lemmygrad.mlOP
      112 years ago

      Sorry that’s the impression I get from reading Genzedong and Lemmygrad. I always see people posting positive things about China, which is 100% valid, but I don’t see people saying anything about the negatives, which I can see because I spend time on the Chinese internet too.

      • loathesome dongeater
        252 years ago

        You should try to understand places like genzedong within the context of Western media environment.

          • It’s worth considering that bourgeois media basically only reports negatively (mostly unsubstantiated allegations) about China; I think we’re all aware that there are plenty of issues left in China, both in general and compared to some other socialist countries like Cuba. The reason why I “support” (whatever that means) China is because the CPC is fundamentally Marxist-Leninist, despite the remaining local and national problems, and from an outside perspective, they do seem to be making progress w.r.t. workers’ rights, LGBT+ rights (e.g. trans healthcare), etc.

            I’d also guess that some of the issues you’ve seen on social media aren’t as prevalent as they may seem (e.g. discrimination in some regions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the average citizen nationwide), but I could be wrong

            • @XiaoFeiJu@lemmygrad.mlOP
              -12 years ago

              What are some examples of progress? It seems to me China is regressing. Several universities’ LGBT organizations were banned, with no replacement. If they were funded by western organizations, then there should be a replacement that doesnt suck up to the west.

          • Catraism-Stalinism
            72 years ago

            Honestly, thank you for giving verification and insight into some of the problems of modern china! Nuance must have the two sides of the coin.

      • @pinkeston@lemmygrad.ml
        172 years ago

        The negatives are always talked about when relevant to the topic at hand

        There’s no point randomly bringing up negatives because that’s already everywhere else

  • @Inbrededcanadian@lemmygrad.ml
    172 years ago

    I’m in a similar position, let me just summarize a few thing I concluded.

    1. There’s a big difference between the Communist Party of China’s policies and what your “average” Chinese think it’s right, and despite what west keep saying, CPC is actually way too laxed on some aspect of control. Your average person wouldn’t bother to understand theories and would only understand their own living conditions, which is fine since that’s one of the main aspects of Communism, but they have no ways of really understand how to achieve said prosperity. There are decent amount of degenerates and Nazbols in China as well, but long as they don’t cross the line CPC leave them be. Having the system be on the right side of history is what matters.
    2. For your second point about “prestige” school it actually has been a talking point since the Deng era reforms, the school, while prestigious, isn’t state owned, again long as they don’t break any laws CPC won’t crack down on it. As for wether you think the Deng era reforms are right, well I’m pretty sure most of the people on this site agrees with it and I won’t post an essay on wether I think it’s right you would have to do your own research.
    3. Chinese right wing nationalists wants everything none Chinese out of the country. National extremists are right wing no matter what, doesn’t matter if they come from a left wing country or support a left wing government, CPC doesn’t support their idea, they are openly enacting policies that benefits everyone not just themselves at the expenses of others like right wings governments.

    In conclusion, it literally matters not at all at what some incel online says or does, long as CPC is on the right track I support China, and in the unlikely event that China is no longer run by CPC then I would have zero attachment to that country and it’s people.

    • @Inbrededcanadian@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      It also seemed like you been ingesting way too much western propaganda, Confucius famously flamed a mysognist for looking down on his wife, and that quote has been misused by liberals to portrait him as one. Most sane people don’t look up to emperors and actively realize feudalism was shit for everyone except the rich, unfortunately for whatever reason liberals fucking love them. Essentially if you are talking to a Lib assume them as the worse pieces of shit second only to fascist because they are.

    • @Inbrededcanadian@lemmygrad.ml
      132 years ago

      996 it’s already illegal, this is a more complicated issue, while I really don’t like to blame the people instead of the system, this problem has been exacerbated by the fact that there’s just so many competition, CPC actively cracked down on Jack ma for trying to implement 996 and fined him, which is good, but it’s impossible to stop hundreds of thousands of small businesses doing the same because no body is reporting them. Like I said before most Chinese are actually communist only in name, they only claim to be because CPC raised their living conditions, they in the long term mostly contributs to the problems CPC is trying to solve.

    • @XiaoFeiJu@lemmygrad.mlOP
      -12 years ago

      But the party doesn’t seem to be making ANY progress in regards to 996. Chinese people work some of the most hours in the world, but they don’t have to, because the company profits are going to the bosses and corrupt party members/ganbu who use that money to go out removed and drinking.

      • @Inbrededcanadian@lemmygrad.ml
        122 years ago

        How exactly did you know or who exactly is telling you they are not? They went from criminalizing it to actively cracking down on it to fineing and banning large corporations who practice it, it’s rampant in middleing and small businesses but again that is a complicated issues that’s caused by the sheer amount of competition due to the population, how do you effectively deal with that? Go full Nazi and do population control?

        • @XiaoFeiJu@lemmygrad.mlOP
          22 years ago

          Have you heard of any progress on eliminating 996? I can’t find any information about actual progress on elimiating 996. Seems like the government just said it.

        • @XiaoFeiJu@lemmygrad.mlOP
          32 years ago

          I wish… They said they did, but you can’t just cite a law paragraph and be done with it. That’s what americar does. I haven’t heard of any progress on eliminating 996…

      • @pinkeston@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        Chinese people also work some of the most hours in the West

        Not everything bad is because of the state. Not everything is related to capitalism or communism

        • @XiaoFeiJu@lemmygrad.mlOP
          22 years ago

          But Chinese people in China have no choice but to work 996. If they slack off they might get fired or replaced.

          • @pinkeston@lemmygrad.ml
            2 years ago

            I’m sure you’ve read my other long comment. My point was that it seems very difficult to solve since it is partly a cultural issue as well (competition and hard working)

            You seem to be really great at complaining about things without offering any realistic alternatives/solutions. That makes all your thoughts and opinions completely useless

            • Catraism-Stalinism
              12 years ago

              didn’t China use to have really advanced and helpful worker culture before the economic changes?

              • @pinkeston@lemmygrad.ml
                2 years ago

                I’m not sure what advanced and helpful worker culture means exactly but I do know studying and working hard has been part of Chinese culture for centuries due to Confucius(?) influence

                You only need to look at Chinese railway workers in North America to see that Chinese people are even willing to work their ass off even for very near slavery conditions and before communism/under capitalism

            • @XiaoFeiJu@lemmygrad.mlOP
              12 years ago

              You seem to be really great at complaining about things without offering any realistic alternatives/solutions

              Well yeah I’m not the fucking government. They should be the ones solving problems. They are responsible for that.

              • @pinkeston@lemmygrad.ml
                12 years ago

                lmao. what an entitled whiny little brat. can’t even offer a viable theoretical solution for others that are actually doing the hard work. if you are really a communist and not a liberal trolling, you have to be one of the most pathetic ones I’ve talked to

  • @pinkeston@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    I’m curious on how you’d implement solutions

    Some universities are more prestigious. Okay, but how do you just stop the reputation of a school from rising above others? If a school produces more talent and research output and the scientific community and public picks up on that, how do you stop their reputation from getting better?

    On LGBTQ rights: Have you read about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs or something similar? Basic needs are met first, then safety, then societal and personal needs. Countries and societies operate on the same level. Some of the West is able to progress more on some things like LGBTQ rights because their material conditions are already extremely high. Cuba used to be extremely homophobic but they were able to focus on correcting that once the island’s living standards stabilized. I’m sure you know how many poor people there are in China. The government is focused on material conditions and economic growth/stability first. You can’t solve everything at once. Time and resources are not unlimited. You can criticize the lack of LGBTQ progress if China becomes a developed country for years and still doesn’t improve. It’s the same reason why communists don’t blame other imperialized countries for being anti LGBTQ. If your country falls to imperialism who cares if your country is a gay paradise, everybody is fucked, including the LGBTQ people. Do you not support Palestine, Afghanistan, etc. Because they are extremely anti LGBTQ?

    On 996: It blows but socialist countries have always worked very hard (Soviets regularly worked ~60 hours at first) to catch up to the imperialists. Also as somebody who works in an industry in the West that also see long hours, it’s not as simple as just waving a hand to stop it. If there’s a project that needs to be delivered by a deadline because of poor planning, occasionally 40+ hours is necessary. If somebody wants to get promoted quickly and voluntarily works long hours, you can’t stop them unless your manager fires them. Oh but then since this one person works longer hours, other team members don’t want to look bad or fall behind so they also start working longer hours to keep up. How do you stop this behavior? The truth is Chinese people are culturally extremely hard working. Of course there are many managers that force long hours but I know many Chinese managers do it in a way that’s “legal”. They encourage harder workers by promoting them. They discourage healthy work hours by blocking their career growth by giving them low impact and low visibility projects

    How do you just magically stop this? It’s extremely difficult to just create massive societal changes overnight. It takes decades to do

    • i dont think he is chinese. he said"有时候还会不能完美地模仿人类的自然语言", a weird sentence. secondly if he has ever lived in china he will find 996 is not common. you can find it just rely on the traffic condition.

        • @XiaoFeiJu@lemmygrad.mlOP
          12 years ago

          Her transness is rarely mentioned and plenty of people think she’s disgusting. And she passes WELL and FITS into the culural image of a feminine qipao-wearer with neatly styled hair and does dancing for a living.

          • Still, isnt it a step forward? Dont get me wrong, China has a long way to go when it come to LGBT rights but I dont think they are that far behind when it comes to the rest of the world. Look Brazil - where I’m from - for example. We have a fascist as a president that every day promotes anti-LGBT agenda. What makes it even qorse is that most people do not support or actively opposes pro-LGBT policies. US is not different, their laws regarding equal rights and such are extremely new and they could be revoked at any moment, just look at what happened last month with abortion.

            It 's all performative, its not true LGBT equality, as usual, for liberals its all perfomative but it has no real impact on their liberation. The main problem regarding LGBT rights in China right now is perhaps the “rainbow imperialism” problem, and I think that understanding it as merely performative, in the same way US talks about human rights while violating them, is something that could help further LGBT support. The best way to counteract this new form of imperislism is with actual pro-LGBT policies that do in fact promote their liberation. Cuba for example has made amazing advances in this area and is by far the most advanced country in the matter that I know. Not the US/ europe and their perfomative actions.

            You said many people in China are disgusted by Jin Xing.This is expected. Here im Brasil we have a famous singer who is a drag queen called Pablo Vittar and many are also disgusted with her, but the fact that she is famous and succesful shows that times are changing - this is unthinkable in past times.

            The way I see it, China is improving but not in a linear way. The path is full of setbacks and defeats but also some victories, but eventually we will win. But for that, we need people like you, willing to make change and call out the contradictions like the lack of full LGBT recognition in China and the performative imperialism of the US weaponizing this topic to further their interests. Change wont come by itself, we must be the ones fighting for it.

            Things may not be looking good in China but I doubt you guys are one step away from being straight up fascist like my country and the US. Chinas has a long path to go but I think eventually things are going to work out.

    • i dont think he is chinese. he said"有时候还会不能完美地模仿人类的自然语言", a weird sentence. secondly if he has ever lived in china he will find 996 is not common. you can find it just rely on the traffic condition.

  • 首先你如果在中国住了十年,“有时候还会不能完美地模仿人类的自然语言”这种怪怪的句子是怎么写出来的。至于你说的LGBT,你在说这句话的时候有考虑到中国人普遍对此的接受程度吗?大多数人民不认同的事务,官方是无法将其提上台面的。你不能用西方思维考虑中国的问题,你能移民大概来自什么精英家庭吧?然而你这样的家庭,在中国是极少数。关于教育不公平,北京市实行教师轮换制度,地级市市区学校向该市下辖各县派出分校,高中录取的定向生制度不正是促进教育公平的行为?如果你住在中国,你就会发现早高峰是七点半到九点,晚高峰是五点半到七点,公共交通最拥挤的时段也几乎重合。如果像你所说中国人都在996,那么请问为什么晚上九点几乎不堵车,公交车地铁几乎没人坐?你在知乎上看到的?我建议知乎少看,在知乎说中国好都会被骂。至于你说的孔子,我想说中国古代绝大多数留名史册的男性都可以称得上“重男轻女”这就是你否认中国传统文化的理由?

    • @XiaoFeiJu@lemmygrad.mlOP
      12 years ago

      你能移民大概来自什么精英家庭吧 干脆把我批斗死了算了!对,我承认我的童年是比较富裕的。不能算是土豪,但是童年无忧,家里是比较有钱的,而且受到了极其好的教育。我家里的财产当然不能保证我一辈子不用工作,向那些躺在床上吃利息的。所以我还是要打工的,但是我的家境给我提供一些垫底。

      • 对嘛,你要多了解国内状况。比如LGBT问题,国内绝大部分人是不能接受这个群体的,因此无法将它搬到台面上来。除了我们这种天天爱网上冲浪的,讲真我们是无法在网上接触到多数中国人的

        • @XiaoFeiJu@lemmygrad.mlOP
          02 years ago

          你用VPN吗?(保证不会举报你)我大学读完了要回国,但是我还是想看一些Youtube还有用Facebook 跟朋友保持联系,但是中国网络好像越来越封闭了。

  • LabMem No.012
    2 years ago
    • 中国的文化里并不恐同,讨厌彩虹旗并不代表讨厌LGBT,主要是反感美国民主党对中国各方面的渗透。
    • 用VPN太普遍了,我身边几乎所有人都用过VPN,各论坛也经常讨论VPN,中国用过VPN的人至少上千万甚至可能数亿人。
    • 996有些行业很普遍,但是只要加班就肯定会有加班费,很多人愿意加班,就是为了加班费。 我以前在上海工作了2年。每天下午5点到7点的“下班时间”,公交地铁上都是挤满了下班的人。
    • 中国还是发展中国家,很多工人是为了多赚钱主动要求加班,在劳动密集型行业,能加班的工作更受欢迎,相比于正常工作时间,加班给的工资更高,这类工人找工作都会主动问能否加班。未来经济发展,分配公平,工资提高,会解决这个问题。
    • 年假,带薪休假,调休,病假,事假,都可以正常申请,我工作几年,并没发现你说的不能请假的情况。
    • 知乎是中国著名的“殖人”聚集地,是被西方“自由“思想渗透最严重的地方,他们大部分都反党,希望中国私有化成为资本主义国家。