I’ve been thinking about switching to Linux for a while, but there are some things that make me want to stay on Windows. For example, Gaming and installation of graphics card and software availability.

My G-Card was GT 730 2 GB ddr5.

Can I be able to play the games that Windows supported without losing frames?

  • s20
    1 year ago

    Oh wow, that was snobbish.

    It takes very little effort to maintain a linux desktop. This isn’t the 90s, you know. Here’s a quick guide:

    Install Fedora Workstation. Once a week, run sudo dnf update --refresh

    Got an Nvidia graphics card? When you install Fedora, enable the non-free repositories. Actually, unless you have a reason not to, do that anyway.

    Done. System up to date and more stable than Windows. And that’s on what’s referred to as an “intermediate” distro. A “Beginner” distro like Mint is even easier.

    Oh, wait, you’re a gamer you say? Well then use Nobara or Pop_OS instead. They’re a bit more advanced, but nothing reading a wiki can’t take care of.

    Getting on a high horse and pretending Linux is as hard to use in 2023 as it was two decades ago helps no one. Not the potential new user, not the community or its reputation, no one.

    I hate this RTFM/yur 2 dumb attitude more than damn near anything in the community. It’s such bullshit.