I am commenting with my @humanetech@lemmy.ml account on https://lemmy.ml/post/346923

Then from mastodon.social several weird behavior:

  • Searching on https://lemmy.ml/post/346923 doesn’t find anything.
  • Searching on @fediversefutures doesn’t find anything (though search on @fediversefutures@lemmy.ml does)
  • When opening @fediversefutures profile in the timeline, I do not see my @humanetech@lemmy.ml comments.
  • But I do see comments from other lemmy.ml accounts replying to the same post.
  • When I click such reply, the thread loads minus my own replies, and minus my top-level post, which isn’t in the timeline for @fediversefutures either when viewing from Mastodon UI (using my @humanetech@mastodon.social account).


Thanks to some great help of @LemmyDev@mastodon.social in this toot I found out that my account was broken, because someone had later on created a community with the same name. There are open issues to handle such cases:

Since the community was inactive LemmyDev deleted it, and my account works again

  • @nutomicA
    32 years ago

    Sorry i didnt see your post here. If that happens in the future, feel free to ping me.

    • smallcirclesOP
      32 years ago

      No problem. Thank you for helping out!

  • notizie
    32 years ago

    @humanetech We also noticed this problem in the feddit.it instance and at the moment we solved it by maintaining the system we left when we created the instance: that is, the creation of new communities, upon request to the instance administrators.


    In this way we achieve two objectives:
    - preventive monitoring on the creation of communities with the same ID as existing users
    - mutual knowledge between the administrators and creators of the communities

  • smallcirclesOP
    22 years ago

    It might be that this issue is on Mastodon-side. I sent out some #AskFedi toots before and other people using a similar version v3.5.3 as mine replied not having this issue, so it may be instance-specific.

    Btw, I don’t see this topic being boosted by @lemmy_support from Mastodon UI either.