Since swing doesn’t use traditional mvc where would you put the database interaction code?

  • Ephera
    34 years ago

    You can follow the MVC pattern yourself, if you prefer. It’s not a super-complicated pattern and mostly just involves starting with three different packages and classes, and then just calling methods between them.

    • overflowOP
      14 years ago

      I know but I’d rather use the same pattern as swing

      • Ephera
        24 years ago

        Well, I’m not aware of it encouraging or enforcing any such pattern. I’m certainly not an expert in Swing, but I was shortly taught about it in university (where I think, they taught MVC pattern alongside) and I built a mid-sized application with it, using the MVC pattern.

    111 months ago

    Of course you can use MVC with Swing. Swing itself doesn’t “use” anything, but it can be used to create the “View” in MVC.