How dangerous is it to be a communist in the US? Should I be very hush hush about it? I won’t ever be open about it but I’m just wondering how secretive I should be. Most of my close friends and certain family members know that I am a “Socialist”. I am pretty young and still need to start my life and I don’t want to ruin my chances of anything.

Some precautions I’ve taken are installing a vpn and only going doing commie stuff with vpn on. I’ve separated personal and political social media accounts and never post political stuff on my personal ones. Should I be doing any other things?

Thank you in advance

    2 years ago

    Is Tor a little different than other browsers? I recently tried using it and some websites don’t work as well on it(still works but not as good)

    • loathesome
      2 years ago

      Tor and Tor Browser are two different but related things.

      Tor is a router. Once you set up tor, you can set up any application to use the tor connection to connect to websites rather accessing them directly. What this does is that the website that you are connecting to oblivious to your real IP address.

      Tor browser is a package of the tor router and a preconfigured browser. It serves two purposes. Setting up tor and the configuring the browser to use it can be difficult for the average user. This package simplifies this process A LOT. The second point is that websites can identify you without knowing your IP address. There is a thing called browser fingerprinting. Using the relatively unique combination of your browser settings, screen size, hardware, etc., websites can deduce your identity. Tor browser comes preconfigured to make this type of fingerprinting difficult.

      It’s possible that some website doesn’t display properly in Tor browser. I haven’t used it in a while so I don’t remember what is default setting for JavaScript is.