I look at it as a matter of both privilege and apathy. I get upset (not visibly, of course) when people say they don’t “like” politics, or blow it off entirely. Politics is not some separate entity, we are living in a society! An inherently political game!

Furthermore, there is no “politics” as just a concept. What part of politics? Literally everything is politics. Climate change and environmental care? Food and agriculture? Economics? Culture, beauty, art? How can someone blow off literally everything? To me its an attempt to shut down conversation and demonstrates they don’t care or have no idea about the atrocities that have occurred/are going to due to the West’s collapse and climate change. Am I out of touch? Being non-undedstanding?

Let me know, thanks

  • comfy
    3 years ago

    I can relate to this. I avoided taking an interest in politics until I realized how much it was affecting the things I cared about, and the society I was a part of. Like the original post hints at, there is a false concept that politics is a distinct entity, like a hobby or interest, and not just an aspect of nearly everything.