
  • pinkeston@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Times were a bit different back then with no ClA, Ml6, Hollywood, NYTimes, Reuters, Wikipedia, Google, YouTube, Meta, Reddit, LA music industry, etc. etc.

    • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Okay. But there was a populace half drenched in thousands of years of the divine right of kings, and the other half suckered in to this sparkly new idea called capitalism. There was no Internet and people often were very subservient to their masters their whole lives. There was no access to the alternative, and it was much more accepted by the general public for their ruling class to just hang or shoot dissidents of the mildest flavor, they didn’t have to make a huge convoluted effort of hiding their evils. There was no precedent to socialism, the Bolsheviks had little friends and what few they did (such as other European working classes) did not all rise up like they thought they would. People were completely brainwashed by huge, powerful churches. Yes modern technology is used against us, but also in our favor, I’m literally talking to you from who knows how many miles away, I’m a revolutionary that without the internet who would have exposed me to such ideas, such a wealth of experience and information? I would have grown up, lived and died in a small village who knows where, probably before I hit the age of 40, from some disease that is no worse than a cold these days.

      I could keep aimlessly rambling but while we have very new and scary challenges here in the 21st century, they too had their totally unique and seemingly omnipotent challenges. The omnipotence is smoke and mirrors, a mirage, and the sole purpose of this illusion is to hold together a system that is incredibly incompetent, irrational, intuitively unpopular and fragile.

      Yes, our enemies have evolved with the times. But so have we. And we now live in a time and age where the hegemony has started dying left to its own devices, with the colonized parts of the world rising up and rallying behind a communist nation that 1/8th of THE ENTIRE WORLD’S POPULATION LIVES IN.

      Do not get lost in doomerism, it is a foreign agent, a poison from the bourgeois built on lies and a psychological strategy to try and manipulate us in overestimating our enemies and underestimating ourselves. Our predecessors have faced far worse than these chumps, these paper tigers. Have faith, look to the rising red tide in the East and the South, and dammit have hope!

      • pinkeston@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        haha I like your motivation pep talk, you’re a great writer

        dw I do have hope in the East, I just took OP’s post “it ain’t gonna happen …” to mean revolution in the USA/West, in which case I will resolutely be a doomer unless somebody can show me analysis that says otherwise

        You mentioned the wonders of the internet but in the entire world except few exceptions like China and DPRK, it’s a huge advantage to the ruling class because they control it

        You can try to spread ideas as an influencer but you’ll get censored and banned (gzd lmao). You can try to spread messages as a group but you’ll be drowned out by liberals that are backed by hoards of bots and foreign workers

        You can try to organize but all your communications will be read and all your movements tracked. You get 1 foot over the red line and you’ll be assassinated or disappeared like the BLM founders at Ferguson and there’s nothing you can do to stop it

        Capitalist poisoning permeates through every single faucet of entertainment online, to the point where even a very large percentage of Vietnamese people (and possibly a majority of youths) love the USA despite the CPV controlling the media because of their cultural hegemony over the internet

        You may be talking to me over thousands of miles thanks to the internet but you’re also talking to the NSA, ClA, FBl, and dozens of algorithms designed by teams of PhDs

        • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          I agree with a lot of what you say, and yes I am not exactly thrilled with the state of affairs here in the US/West.

          Now this might be less based in fact and more wishful thinking on my part, but I would like to think as the rest of the world breaks free from American imperialism and a new communist wave begins to cover the globe, that the new powers will help us here in the crumbling imperialist empires. China as an example spent many decades with a policy of non-interventionism regarding Western fuckery and nascent leftist movements, but they seem to be shifting towards Western confrontation and helping many leftist revolutionaries and states recently IMO. I do not think it is too crazy to think that as the West dies, barely able to do much but flagellate its own civilians, that China etc. might show up and try to help by stamping out the capitalist hegemony and all the roving fascist paramilitaries, supplying aid, weapons and training to communist forces in the area. Like what America does today but in reverse. We could be left to flounder and die with a whimper but I think the compassion and humanity of rising communists such as the Chinese has been well-illustrated. They might very well be the deus ex machina that saves many of us from a very dark fate here in the West, particularly in America.

          • pinkeston@lemmygrad.ml
            2 years ago

            yea I’ve considered that too but I wonder how well the general population would take that

            because to have a successful revolution you would need the people on your side because even if China helps communists take control of the country, the people are just gonna rise up against you if they don’t support you

            and it seems unlikely to un-brainwash the populace enough to do that, especially if China is backing the communists (are libs gonna listen to and trust literal CPC backed rebel groups? probably not)